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;58 objedi. Anf. objel't. Anfw. o6jeLi. Anfw. VERS.5, o6f r. Goddothnot in all agesgive the likemea- Cureof light to his Church. Ephefans,Chap.3. V E ß, 5: led Paradise, and ofthe glory thereof What more strange then to heare tell ofthe Father of Spirits, and all theHolt of Heaven, Angels, andSaints,: to heare tell in like manner ofthe place of darkneffe, and fhadowofdeath, ofthe Prince thereof, and his aetendantse If all this will not provokethee to this duty,humble thy felfe,fufped thy felfe of Come groffe iniquity which filleth thy ftomach to the full. But menwill objeEt, as we find they have; r. That they have cal- lingswhich take them up,and fomany things troubling them,thatthey cannot while it. A fimple pretenfe, W ho wouldnot fee his weakneffe that fhould thus reafon, I am to croffe a very dangerous troublefome Sea, I need not to ufe Cardor Compaffe : I am continuall in warfare, I need no weapons, I care not for carrying them with mee So is this ; for the Scripture is to our courfe and warfare as a fpirituall armory and dire- âion. I,but they are hard,I cannot profit in them. It is falfe, reading you (hall profit; the text faith, God fpeaketh in the Scripture to the learned and unlearned, .he Ant may wade as well as the Elephant fwimme a fucking babe may finde milke here; rea- ding thou (halt knowwhat thou dolt know,moreperfectly , and (halt learnethat whereofthou art ignorant, andwhat thou canft not of thy felfefinde out, it (hall prepare more eafily toconceive ofit by the help ofanother. I cannot read. Get them that can; we will get things read to us in our indentures, and evidences, when our (elves cannot. V ER s. 5. Which in other ageswas not opened unto the Sonnes of men, as it is now revealedunto his Apoflles andProphets by the Spirit. Now followeth theamplificationofthe thing wherein her was en- lightned, from the propertyofit, which is by a correction explained, asif he should fay, mymeaning is not that it was altogether concea- led,but is was not fo revealed as now it is to the holy Apoftles and Prophets. For the diftinc lion ofApoftles and Prophets , it is already layd downe verse 1o. ofthefecond chapter. That Gad doth notdealewith allages alike, nonot withhù atone Church andpeople: not onelythe Gentiles had thefethings altogether concea- led from them, but the Sonnes ofmen, no creature had them fo ope- ned, as theycame after to berevealed: fo touchingour Saviour,though it was told from the beginning, he should be the feed of the woman, yet that he fhouldbe the fonne ofavirgin, was not fo cleerely knowne in the first ages, asfrom the timeofElay: fo thecallingof the Gentiles was not foknowne to the Church ofGod, though it was foretold that all nations fhouldbe bleffed in thebleffedféed; in thofeformer ages as it was in the fameChurch of the Jewes, in Davids time and afterwards, when in their Pfalmodies they flung that matter before the Lord: thus fince Chrift, though the word revealing is compleac,yet God doth not give alike light to everyage:when the doétrin was altogether obscured,. and