36® Ephe¡ians,Chap.3. V E R. f. The, are lot- ration left indarknefle, did not know, they will believe asthey belee. tifh ,bchevichwill ved, andnootherwife : But ifthis were well weighed that God lea- beheve no more Then veth Tome generations in ignorance,and the fhadowof death, that his their Fathers owne people come not to knowall truths in all ages alike, they would believed. this plea as groffeignorance. Theyare a. So many learned ones who thinks that nothing inopening the Seri- milk who will pture mutt be admitted which cannot be (hewed out ofantiquity; they allow nointer- are to know that Goddeales not with the Church by one fcantling of y m theScripture every age, and as prophetic foretold it, fo he feeth nothing that doth bur out of the notbehold the gifts of tongues and interpretations to bee farte more Fathers, plentifully given then hathbeen heretofore: and fono doubt but God will grace futureages witha more cleare fight in the revelation then is yet any thingcommonly afforded. Wee muff not beefuperftitioufly devoted to times paff, injurioufly negleQing our owne that are pre- fent, and prejudicing thofe that are to come. Yj z. Herebehold the benefit of thefe Evangelicall times in whichwee The benefit oï live, and the priviledges and prerogatives thereof, wee enjoy thefe thefe Evange- lical) times in things that the Fathers hopedfor, the things promifed to them are ac- having greater complifhed to us; now this is a high. prerogative; the veryconfi. light then was under the law. derationofthis made thofe that livedbefore thefe times enquire and fearch diligently when thefe times fhouldbe. A good thingis better difcerned by the wantof it,then by the fruition and enjoyingof it; and therefore hence it is that we fo little regard it, and they fo highly e- 'teemed ofit;they wouldhavethought themfelveshappy ifthey might have lived in thofe times wherein thefe promifes'i made , might have been accomplifhed, and therefore our Saviour Chrift faith : mat! fed areyour eyes ,for they fee, andyour eares, for they heare fuch and [ach things as many Prophets, Kings, andrighteous men have defred to heare andfee, andyet could not. The fccondpart oftheverfe hath three circumfiances to bee ob- ferved. a. The timeoffurther revealing,as now. z. The Perfons, tohis holy Apoflles andProphets. 3. The Authour, by the Spirit. Dolt. The a. doth let us fee, ThatpaceChrifi we havemore fully opened the Since Chriff myflery efourfalvation: Their revelation was a hiding of it in compari- wehave the fon of this we have obtained. Tothew the point ; we fee that thefe nation more offs- times fince Chrifthave three things which needs muff worke a further nation Fully opened, enlightening. z Pet.t. ,9, r. A fuller word revealingand morecleareword; theirs was as and that in a candle, a light fhining in a slakeplace; oursa miniflery full three things. ofglory and light: now as the eye bya greatcleare light feeth better then by a little dimmeone; fo it is withus. 2. Thefe times havea more full inward illumination, which is the eyeof the minde, wherewith wee fee by mean of this revelation the fprit now is Fowred out : now as a quick be- dily fight feeth by benefit of light without better thena fight more