V E R. q. Ephefianf, Chapa. more weakc and obfcure: foil is with us having a more full enlightening then that former ofthe Jewes, whichwas more fparing. 3. As a thing is better Peen at hand afore the eye, then afarre off, fo we have afuller apprehenfion of them in as much as theyarc now accomplilhed, whichthey law as things afarre off tobe performed. And this more full revelation was fitly kept till Chrift our principal! teacher fhould come, till hee as our King fhouldenter his kingdome. For lookas it is with School -matters in great fchooles, theywill re- ferve the reading ofthe molt learned lectures, and themoft ripe fchol= lers to themfelves: So Chrift hee is our great Rabbi,all were his Ufhers that were before -,theytaught the Punies an inferiour lecture of the Law and Prophets, but Chrift hath referved the fulneffe of prophetic for himfelfe to unfold. And as Kings doe then chiefly Phew their bounty when theyare crowned: fo thefe fpirituallgifts, our King, not of this world, did fitly referve tohis Coronation with glory. Wemutt therefore who have fogreat revelation , remember that God expecteth more obedience: ahoufholderdoth not fet up a candle, '' r W¡emai! eeid but he will have force work by it, fo with us; God would haveus walk the greater o- by this light, elfe that willtake hold of us in the Parable, The fervant bediente. that knoweth his Mafters will, anddoth it not, Ihall be beatenwith ma- Luke r a. 47. ny ftripes; this is the endof the glorious light ofthe Gofpell, that we beholding ir, fhould be turned into the felfe-fameglory. It doth letus feehow fearefull their eftate is that remain in blind- 2. neffe when fogreat light fhineth;it isa token that the fpirit ofdarknefie doth keep poffeffion in theirhearts: 2Cor.4. 3.4. ¡four Go f ell bee hid, it is hid to them that perifh , in whom the Godofthis world bath blinded the mincles, that the light ofthe gloriousGofliellof Chrifl lhouldnotthine unto them. Ynto his holy vipoflles and Prophets.] 3. It is to be marked who they arc that have thefe things revealed to them, his holy ..4poflles and Prophets. Obf. what kindofmenGod loth take to reveale his truth to, Doll. fuchas aref inläified. a Per. t. 19. The holy men ofGodTpakeas they were God revealech movedby the Holy Ghofl. So more generally S. Paul maketh the Saints his faired my. thofe to whomGod doth reveale the myfteryofhis Gofpell,which is Reties toitis the myfiery hid fince the world began, andfrom all ages, but now is made Co á. 26. manifeft tohis Saints. For this is meet that as we put not precious li- quors intouncleane veffels: fo thefe fpirituall treafures fhould not bee committed to us, not cleanied and faniiified. Againe, the Lords ope- ning his fecrets, is afruit which fpringeth from his love tohis friends. The Father loveth the Sonne , and fheweth him allthings whatfoeverbee himfelfdoth:And touchinghismembers ,hefaith,Ihavecalledyoufrends, Iht5.to. fora things that I haveheardofmy Father, have Imade knoivneuntoyou: Even as tounlace our feives and communicate our counfels with this or that perfon is a token that we doe affect him intirely. Now whom loth God love,: the righteous; whom doth hehe call friends, Thole ¡i 3 that