36z Ephefians,Chap. 3., V.E R. g, Vctfcr4. that doehis commandements, even thofe that are holy in his fight. -Yet this mull not be founderftood as if God mightnot reveals his will to 'onethat is unholy, both Predictions, as likewiÇc ordinary revelations; for we readofSalaam, ofCaiphaa, ofiudas and others that were wor- The difference kersofunrighteoufneffe,yetfhallplead that they have prophefaed in his ofrhe reveled= Name. But yet there is a priviledge to the holy one above thefe. on thegodlyand I. God doth not foordinarily open his fecrers to thefè unholy the wicked, ones, as to thofe thatare holy. 2. They have not that fpirituall wifdome given them to make ufe of that they know, which theSaints have. 3. They have thefe things put into them, not that God is pleated with them, butthat he regardeth his Church which bee ma- keth the devil! himfelfe ferve for the good alfo. Yfe r. So that this letteth us feewhat all ofus mutt be if wee would know the fecrersof God, wemuff become holy, and then we (hall be made lohn7. 17. to underftand the fecrets ofGod: ifyouwill obey, yee flail know my do- Mat.q. 8. dries. BleAftdare thepurein heart, for theyfhallfee God: HolinefÏe doth difpofeus not onely to revealed Divinity, but to the Theology ofthe Saints in Heaven; as contra corruption in converfation is commonly accompanied with corruption in judgement ; and the more unholy any one is, themore is God and his wayes ftrange to him. Yfe 2; We feethe caufe why fo many remaine ignorant, never comming' Mens wicked to theknowledgeof thetruth, becaufe they ftudy not for fanclificati- ofjthence.. on, this filleth our Athens with unlucky owles flying the Sun- Thine: of ignorance. they are fo full of fwaggering, pride, volupttroufnefïe, filch ca- ges ofuncleanneffe, that it is no wonder if the fpirit of revelation bee farre from them. So Profeffours, a great number like Pauls widdow, a Tim.;. r. alwayes learning and never comming to the truth, becaufe they havedi- vers lulls hangingon them, and grow not up toholincffe; It is juft with God when we will not obey the truthwe fee,to turne our eye it felfe into darkneffe. rib 3. Thirdly, we fee howwide the world fhooteth, they thinke that ho- lineffe foftneth the fenfe and taketh away the edge and ripeneffe of wit, that mencannot beofany great reach ifthey looke this way, but blind men cannot judge ofcolours, young Daniels (hallalwayes bee found not the leaft acquainted with Gods fecrets. Dee. The laft thing to be marked is this, who it is that doth reveale the Gods fpirit thingsofGod to us, viz, his Spirit. The Spirit of the Almighty giveth dothreveale under /yaadin therefore called a spirit of ender andin Efay6. For thethings of ` g God unto us. look as if I would knowwhat fuchaman thinketh,his fpirit mutt open job. ye. 8. the matter, for thefpirit which is in a man doth only(ofall creatures) Cons. rr. knowwhat is inman:fo the Spirit ofGod which fearcheth the deepsof God,this muffbe gotten,ifwe would know the things ofGod: ifthis Speétacle come upon the eye ofour mind,we (hall fee things that eye cannot fee , care cannot heare. Wherefore if any would underftand Davids Pfalms,Pauls Epiftles,feek for the fpirit ofDavidand ofPool. If youask; how we fhould feckt I. By