V a R. 6. Epheliems, Chapa. r. By prayer, Solomon prayed for the Spirit,and he had it inalarger vinfw. meafure thenany that went before him: fo if you pray for the Spirit, Moa<s co ob.: you have Gods promife for it, thathewillgive the Holy Gho/1 unto them `a`nr GodsIi,- that aske him , and this bee doth fpeak by way ofoppofition, ifyou Luke ,4. which areeviil cangivegood things toyour children, how much more will God! &c. If a man or woman will be importunate for grace, and the Spirit, as a child willbe with his Father for bread, then he cannot nor will deny you. a. Again,anothermeans to get the Spirir,istobe confcionableand conftant in dependance upon the miniftery of the Spirit, and private exercifes, inhearing the Word preached, and therefore the Apoftle fairh,Gal. 3. 3. Receivedye the spirit by the workes oftheLaw, or by hea. ring offaithpreached? as ifhe fhould fay, you may know whether you have theSpirrc or noby this,ex ,mine whether you havegottenFaith by the preaching ofthe Word. OurSaviour faith, The tree is knowneby the fruit; if we get not faith in Chrift, and bee joyned with hirn, wee (hall never get the Spirit:therefore ifyou wouldget theSpirit,get faith: for faith is a knitting and a drawing grace, it will draw the Spirit in- to the foule, and it will knit him fart unto the foule, that ha can never depart away from it. 3. A thirdmeane is by a Chriftian courfeof obedience; Hee that keepethmy Commandements, l and my Father and Spirit wiH come and John, . 23. dwell with him ; as contrariwife when wee nourifh filmic, wee give a check to the good Spirit ofGod,wegrieve the Spirit, and caufehim to depart: Weobey the Spirit when wee give him good entertainment, whenyou feed himwith holyand heavemy thoughts, and doe what he would have you doe. V ER S. 6. That the Gentiles fhouldbe fellow heyres, and ofthe fame Vs x. 6. body, and partakersofhispromife inChrifl by the Gofell. The gaalicy of the myftery opened : now followeth the matter, which bath two things tobe obferved. r. Thecondition, to which the Gentiles fhould be brought. a. The meanes. a. The condition in 3 things ;the latter ftill the groundofthe former. r. Theyfheuld be joynt heyreswith Chrifl. 2. Theyfhouldbe ofthefame body with Chrift and his Church; for firft wemutt become beloved children in Chrift thebeloved, before we canbe inheritors. 3. They fhouldbe partakers ofthepromifi; for by faith in the Word ofpromife, wecome to havefellowfhipwith Chrift. 2. The meanes, by the Gofell. The fumme is thus much. " This is the thing which hath not been foknowne heretofore, this "I fay, that you Gentiles fometime without hope of inheritance " fhould be joynt heyres of heaven , that you fometime without " Chrift,and aliens from Ifrael thebody of Chrifl,fhould be incor- " potato with Chrift and his people, that you who were without C° covenants of promife, shouldby faith partake in the promifes of Chrift,