364 Ephefrans, Chap. 3., V E R. 6. á Chrift, and all this not by circumcifion, or the Law, but by the " miniftcryof the Gofpell. Their being heyre, their being one body, their beleeving the pro- miles, ofthefe I have fpoken before, chap. r. verfe to, r 1, r 3,14. and Doti. chap.2.1z,13,14. Onely onething out of this verfe. What it is that doth Iris the Go- bringus tobeleefe, andfa toour heavenly inheritance , viz. the Go[pell of fpeit which god. This begetteth us to eternal' life , even this Word preached to us. bringeth faith, r Pet. 1.13.Being borne anew, not ofcorruptible f ed, but ofincorruptible, and fo toour heaven- by theword of God,which livethandabidetb for ever. Paul was feat to 'y inheritance. preach the Gofpell to the Gentiles, for this end, to open their eyes, and At% 26. r8. to turn themfrom darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. And Al-ís eo. 32. I commend you to god, and to the word ofliagrace which is able to buildyou up, and togiveyou an inheritance among allthem which are janaified;there you fee the power ofthis Gofpell ter downe. The point is often handled. Now therefore we will onely thew thefe two ufes which mutt be deduced from this conuideration. Vfr s. We muft that are hearers never be weary ofit, never give over at- we ere not to tending on it. We take offencefometime at the perfons of Minifters, be difcouraged from follow- fometimeat things we find in our felves: For as with the fonnes of ing the Word .Eli, fo it fareth with many inMiniftery, their wickedneffedothmake neither bythe unwonhinetlb men decline their Miniftery. But we muff know that though a wicked of the Pre,- mandoth reach out the treafures ofGod, yet wee may fafely receive chers; them: for the handof the Almoner, though a wicked man , doth not hurt the Kings aimes which are givenby him. In our felves we fome- time are kept back from following the Gofpell cheerefully, 1. By 1. confcienceof unworthineffe, 2. By confidering our little profiting Nor by the b y nor untne meanes of it : But no unworthineffe ofiffemutt keepe us confcience of our ewne: un_ from the word,What diftaft foever wehave,it is that Phlefrck where- worthineffe; with it may be cured: And heathens, poffeffed perlons , excommuni- cateperlons, are tobe admitted to the hearing of the Gofpell : how much more mutt fuch knowwho are the Lords, that no fuggeftión of infirmity mutt detaine them from it. 2.. To the latter wee mutt know, that thoughwee thrive not by the Nor by our Gofpell as wewith, yet there is noway fo-.us but to continue. For as not profi- ting to our the body in an atrophy, thoughwe faredaintily, yet there is no Thew rninde. ofit, yet wee continue to take our diet, fleep, exercife according to ftrength, and fay, Nature may worke it out in time: fo when the foule is difeafed, fo that t`he Word clothnot fo ftrengthee and comfort it, as might be withed, we mutt not give over, but keepus to the diet ofit, pray to God toopen the obftruótion of the heart , in timehis grace Ye may and will make us outgrow it againe: in the meane while wee are Mf íicrrmuft fuftained by it not give over The fecond tile is tous Minitiers, that we mutt never give over to preaching,oei- preach the Gofpell whatfoever difcouragement wee have, nor mutt they upon conceit- of never be *armed ofit, feting the Lord by it bringeth men to falvation. their igno- What if we have ignorance let us preach according to the gift of on'c. t6. knowledge received, and it will multiply inus, like as the loaves did while;