VE R . 7. %phefian.r, Chap.;. 365 while they were broken; and John the Baptift did not know Chri(t fo as afterward hecame toknow him inhis preaching;and the Apoftles, what ignorance wasin them till after ChriftsrefurreEtion? 2. What ifwe cannot feelethat power wedefire,in executing this office, yet we mutt thinke that cMofes facedid thine, and he knew no fuch thing , yet Nor of the did it fhine fo that thechildrenof lfrael could not behold him. What limn good ifwe fee no fruit as we wifh, we mull know that the fruit of miniftery they comes is nottyed to ourobfervation, Marke 4.3°,31, 32. z. The fountaines runne, thoughnone come to fill a cup-difhat them; fowe mutt gufh out with this wateroflife, thoughnone by the veffell of faith fhould take it in. 3. There may be feventhoufand gained where we fee not feven. 4. That which fheweth notfruit prefently, may bee a feed, of which others may reapcomfortably hereafter. Againe what ifI cannot get anycomfortable feelingof that I am to Nor for want deliver, neither before, in the whileoffpeaking, nor after, weemutt tbemfer es the not in this bedifmayd, but fupportour felves by comfortable medi- power of thofé rations; as, things they I. That the fruit ofmy miniftery is not tyed to my feeling. preach. z. God hathpromifcdme the inward teaching of his Spirit, if I will waite for it. 3. God is not like thofe tyrants ofwhom lob fpeaketh , who will lob. 24. a. kill themwith thirfi that tread the Wine-preffe: hee wouldhave : cor e. rg.y. them taft ofthe altar that ferve at it ; and would not have the mouth ofthe oxemuzled, and many fuch like things. Lafdy, what if I find my felfemuch troubled and:feel wickedpow- Nor upon ers affayling me even while I am fpeaking, yet wee mull not fhrinke prationtcn- fromthisGofpell,butfixeoureyesonChrift: Refifi the devil!andbee eraryto it. fhallflye; build this fpirituall Temple like good Nehemiah, having our iatn.4.7. trorvell in one hand , and our fword in the other, theWord in our, mouthes, faith in ourhearts to refill all the fiery darts of the devill. V E R S. 7. WhereofI ammadea ciYtini/ier by thegift ofthegrace of vs R s,7. Godgiven untome, through the workingofhispower. Thegift hash 2 parts. t TheQ iality. 7 For both thefe inward gra- z. TheExercife. ces wifdome & knowledge: Likewife the exercife of them, to thinke, to fpeake , the whole la- bour of Miniftery ison his grace in us. z Cor. 3. 5. Not that we are fuf- ficient ofour[elves to thinkeany thingas ofour[elver, but our fuffrciency is ofcod. Phil. 2. t 3. It is God that worketh in you, both to will and to doe ofhisgoodpleafure. So that we mull grow up toknow our inlufliciency, and to look tip Vj r; to God for ftrength and ability inevery thing we undertake , making him our wifdome, our ftrength, and to emptyour felves of all hope or helpe in our felves or in any meanes,but let the Lord bee our ftrong arme offalvation, and our all-fufficiency in allthings. Learn to referre the glory and praife ofall we have tohim algne,for z ofhim,and through him,andfor him are allthing tobeglory. 2. Obferve