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;66 Doli. The Miniffe- riallgift,which God ofgrace giveth,maketh aMinger. Yft. Doff. Minigers dif- fer in their giftsand qua- lifications. Doff. Gods power accompanyeth the gift of the Mintgery. Epbefiana, Chap. ;., V E R. 7. z. Obferve what it u that maketha Minifler , the minifleriall gift whichGadof gracegiveth. This doth form hin adintu,as skill in this or that manuaryScience dothmake an artificer:The Church Both not make,but declare &authorife for exercife thofe whom God doth qua- lify for fuch purpofe.Eph.4.8.When he afcended upon high hegave gifts, Tome to be t4poflles, etc. Goddoth beftow aparticular minilteriall gift in particular, according to which every Minifler doth fervehim. ThePapall authority in forgiving frnnes, their judiciall determi- ning, their Prince-likeenaéting of Lawes that bind the confcience, thefe encroach on the Royaltiesof Chrift, and make them not ftrw. ards & Minifters,but Rulers, by their compulfiveforce. Chrifl in infti- tutingMiniflery maketh refervationof all authority in Miniftcry a pure fervicebetwixt Chrift and men. Luke 22. ay. The Kings of the Gentiles (faithChrift) exercife Lord/hip over them,andtheythat exerci fe authority upon them are called benefactors. Butyee(hall not bee fo, but hee that is the greatefl among you, let him beas theyounger, and he that is chiefe, as hee thatdothferve. AndS. Paul faith 2 Cori.24. Not that we have domi- nion over yourfaith, be. It is not a rule and regency, but a meere fer- vice under Chrift who is prefent in his Church, having all authority. What is Paul, or whoisApollos, but the Miniflers by whom yee believe, and every oneaccordingas Godgifteth him for his fervice. Given to me.] Hence obferve, That Miniherr have their particular gifts to them. i Cor. r a. To one thus, to another thus. One Laft fitteth not every foot, nor onemeafure fitteth not every Minifter, but ofthefe fome moreexcellent, fome leffe, Paul and Barnabits not alike gifted ; as there are metalls, force ofgold, force of filver, fo gifts in Minifters: And to make no difference, buttoembarke all in one bot- tome,hath more good affeétion,then found judgement; though there bediverfity ofgifts, fomemore, force leffe excellent, yet wee mull neither immoderately admire theone, norunderprize theother.There arcpeople affetled both wayes : force that thinke it enough rogive their names to fuch a man, and to cry downe others in comparifon of himwho hath the molt parts: Thefe perlonshave no true raft of the. gifts of himwhom they extoll : for the wondring at their perfon, keepeth from tailing the gifts of one, as if acup ofwine were fet down; while we look at the curious workmanfhip ofthe cup; fothey: For others, they thinke fo barelyofthem, as if they could fay nothing worth thehearing: force on the other hand, becaufe God doth all in all, they make no ditinetion in the inftrument, but are offended with them that look more atone then another. Nowbetween thefe this is thetrue way , neither fo to love thefe who have the grcateft,as todefpife the other:norto love the leffer,fo as not to love there morewhere God loveth more, and to blefle him more (though we doe it in all) where he hathdiftributed more plenti- full grace and favour. Obfervelaftly, That thealmightypower ofGodaccompanieth the gift oftheMiniflery in twe regards. r. In