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VEx. A. epheflans,Chap,3. niftery , wee !carne hence, What is the may tocommend the graceofGod, toabafeourflves,and fetforthour owneunworthinefre. Jacob faith , i am leffe then the leafs ofGods mercies. So David, What am I, andwhat is my Fathers haul The Apoftle hence magnifieth the 'grace of God, that when me were enemies he didreconcile us, Rom. 5. There is a reciprocall and changeable affectionbetwixt thefe two, grace and unworrhineffe, theone doth (hew the other, gracetailed doth breed confcience ofun- worthineffe in us, we areprefently duff and a(hes if God reveale him felfe in the gloryofmercy, and our unworthineffe j the confcience of it, and confeffion of it Both magnify within our felves, and extoll be- fore others, the graceof God. There is noPopifh compounding ofaperfwafion of grace and de- fen., no, though we thanke God for all, as the Fhariffedid. See then whit mull let us fee the greatneffe ofgraceand fet it forth to others,we mull get a confcience of our owne unworthinefe, and confe(feit freely. t Chron.z9. 14. Gen.3z. so. Laftly, it is to bemarked, That theMinifers ofthe Gogiell doabring Doti. to mengoodtidings. They arefaid to bring glad tidings of Mirùf}ers of Peace, tidings ofgoodthings. z Cor.4. 7. They are earthen veffells, yet h goody._ they are faid to have treafure in them, divine treafure. And becaufe dings comes. of this when the minifteryof theGofpell was given to the Gentiles by occafionoftheunbeliefe ofthe Jew, the Apoftle is bold to fay, that thefall ofthe lames was the riches ofthe world, Romaa. r z.andin z Cor. 6.1o. the Apoftle doubteth notto fay, that though wee Minifters óf the Gofpellbe poore, yet we make many rich. Nowwhat thefe riches are, he expoundeth, thebenefits ofChrift; thofe benefits wherewith we havingChrift , cometobee enriched, andin one word , they are all chofe things which Chrift fuffering bathpurchafed for us , the merits ofChrift, for thefe areour wealth,z Cor.8. 9. SoChrift was made poore that inhis poverty wemightbe made rich , in his fufferings , his death, our righteoufneffe, our life, our redemption and grace of Adoption, forgivenefl'eoffinne and;favour ofGod , the Spirit of the Father and Chrift the Sonne, the title to all creatures, and fervice of all things, and title to everlafting life. To let let us fee how fwinifh they are that negle l this Gofpell. yf r, What is the property of fwine, but to tramplepearles under foot,and They are fwi- delight in their myret What doethofe that whore with this world, but leftñ1 cáá negledlclack unfearcheable richest true fooles: for this isone property pa. ofthe foole, that forachaise of Counters, he will part with Angels. It teacheth that wee muff depend on the Gofpell; wefee ifa doale weredealt how the poore will flockaboutitfrom all corners, we need a: not to tole abell before it: fowhat multitudes ofpoore doe hang about we matt de- the Almoners of Princes; the Minifters are the Almoners of God the Pend on the Y Gofpell: bring out thistreafure, they are the Cofferers ; we muff tell out this treafure,how fhouldyouhang upon this Wordtyouareall poore naked brats, not having a ragge of righteoufneffe upon you: you are run infi- nitly indebt to the juffice of God;wereyou asrich asDives,you arenot K k rich 369 To abafc our feues, the way ro extol( Gods grace.