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370 3. l44ers muff principally preach Chrift I<fus. x C¢r. 4. Doll. 'Noneable to come to the fullknowledge ,ofChritt. Rom. rr. rf, t: a Cons. 17. Epbefiana,Chap.3., V E R. 8. rich toward God, all this muft make you rich : how then fhould you here feckto get your acquitance of your debts fealed to you, feck a newRole ofrighteoufnelfe to live on eternallyt' Wemuff not grudge our temporali things to them that fow fpiri- tuall treafures tous. Our duties,ro keep thefe precious treafures under lock andkey. Lafily it teacheth us , what efpecially the Miniflers oftbeGofpell muff beat upon, Chrift Jefus our Lord, to reveale Chrift; this is theprinci- pallnayleupon which aMinifter is to beate, this is the Alpha and O- mega which finfull men muff heare: for though the Law is fruitfully preached, and is like a needle to make way for the thread of the Gofpetl, yet this mull not be fo conceivedas ifit wereof abfolute ne- ceffity fo to proceed , when Chrift preached to Adam fallen the Gof- pel,yerthis is the end ofall whichmuff make the lawwork wholefom- ly in us. Paul, Gal. r . defcribeth this as thematter of his Miniftery to make manifefl the Sonne, he profeffeth that he in his preaching cared to know nothing but Chrift yea himcrucified, in the firft place : and the miniftery ofthe Golpell is called a tetimany of chrifl. Which place is to be markedaswhich fheweth that theend ofall the gifts of fpeech andknowledge is this,to confirme the teflimonyofChrift. Nowwhat it is to preachChrifl you muft remember from Pauli words, Gal.r .146. Col.'. ult. He didlabour andftrive tothis , according to theefecluall working which woe wrought is hiss mightily , to prelim them to Chrifi, to fpread the favour ofchrifi, to prefent men as chaff vir- gins tochrifl; topaint Chrift before them as crucified in their eyes. Ynfearcheahle riches.] Obfervehence, that none is able to come to thefull knowledgeof Chrift. The riches ofhisperfon in refpeet of each nature we cannot comprehend them , the everlafting righteouf- nefle, redemption, grace and favour which he hath procured, we can- not fully conceiveof them; forwe know but inpart, wee doe not yet fee him as he is, but onelyhave aglimpfe ofhim, as we haveof things that are behind us while we look into a looking- glaffe. i John 3.3. This is the richeft mine that canbe digged in,the veynesof itarenever at an end. In hisperfon, thedivine nature in the fecund perfon affuming, the humane nature affumed : now whocan findeout the riches ofhis di- vinewifdome, power? nay theApoftledoth breake out in exclamati. on, o thedephofthe wifdome ofGod, &c. In the humane nature, what underftanding, what power, what life, treafures of life which now are hidde , treafuresofwifdome, the fpirit without meafure, all power though acreated power, yet fuch asby which he can doe whatfoever bee will , either by that naturewith himfelfe, or by his deity : for ithe.righteoufneffe and grace ofAdoption,we arethe Sonnes of God; Etc. But wehave the riches ofgloryin his body andfoule : 1ppe in o- Ither learning, but drinke in this. Let Minifters teach him asthe truth is in him , that grace may not . eturned intowantonneffe,Whofoever is chriji is a new creature. To