Vie . 9. 8phefans, Chap.3. 371 To ftirre us up alwayes to be fecking, for here isalwayes fome thing new: no new thingunderthe Sunne. We are never wearyof looking ongoodly rich things; theAngelisdoe pry into thefe things. nme9xúT4ry Here learnwhat we mutt feek , ifwe will be rich ; fpirituall trea- rip `' which neither moth nor canker can corrupt ; enduring fubftance; 3' an immortals inheritance provided for us in heaven. V EA S. 9. And tobring to light to all menwhat ie the fellowlhip of V E R S. g. ofehemyfitry,which from the beginning of the world bath been hid in God, whocreated all things by lefm Chrift. Now he doth amplify it from the effea which it had in the world, the inlighteningofmen in the fellowthipofthe myftery.Obferve then, What the Minifters6. Minifiery re,they arethe light oftheWorld,Ph.a. Doti. 15 .they are bidtoshine 6e lights intheworld,the fame wordthere ufed as htinig°"and Minigery 'I'e is in the Creation.For you muffconecive that without the miniffery of i;gi of [? theWord the world is in darkneffe; re were oncedarknrye, bat noware W.Ltdl light in the Lord; they were once ignorant of their estate not knowing iohn is. ;f. what they did. He that walketh in darkneffe wotteth not whither he goeth, they know not theirfinfull courfes, much leffe the wayof fai- vation. Nowwhen God putteth his Word in the mouth of his Mini- tier, thenhedothas it were fet up acandle in adarke place: and when Paul wasfent, he didgoeto this purposeto bring them from darkneffe to light. But yet for right conceiving what hce doth, you mutt know that Chrift is light,thatthe believers are lights, the Miniffers lights: theSunne, Moone, and ftarres, they can but help him that bringeth eyes, this light givetheyes. Some mens light is like to theeves Ian- thornes , that burne inward and thine, though the world bee blind, like candles fpending themfelves. Thisrebuketh men that haveno thine. ïfi r: This mutt teach men toaffeét plainnes, fluttering like a nurfe to the a. underftanding of thePimple. i Cor. 3. I. It teacheth how we thould flock about it, as the Jewes are faid of 3. Iohns miniftery;Hewas acandleand ye rejoyced in his light fora fea- fon. This cbeckeththepraétife offuckas affe& todeliver things in ob- 4. fcurity. wind to bring to light,] inwardand outward, make them fee per- formed in effect that the Gentiles with the Jewes have one Faith, one Lord, one Hope , which from thebeginning was hid in God, a thing which God kept as counfell, which heewithin himfelfe purpo- fed: Neithermust wee think much that the Gentile is brought to this eftate by Chritt; for God is the Creatour of theone as well as of the other, and it is the fitteft difpofition , that he whocreatedboth by Chrift,thould bring them bothby Chriff to one common falvation. Rom.3. 29.and r o. t3. One Lordofall,no difference. z. ByChrift, to thew the correfpondency and harmony ofthe di -. vine difpofition in faving us by Chrift. 3. To take ut by the hand +in believing, therefore the power of God in creating is fuffixed. K a 4. T 4