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37z Doti. The things of the Gofpel not tobe compre- hended by the reach ofNa- ture. Y. Iliz. objely. DO. TheCreation ateflimony of the Divinity ofthe Father and the Sonne. I. 2. Ephefana,Chap.3., V fi R. 9, 4. To teach us to reft in Chrift our head. Hid in God.] Obferve hence , That thefe things of the Gofpell are fuch as no man by nature can conceive of for God, noman hath feene him at anytime , he is a light to which there is noacceffe; So that the things which are hid in him are fuch as flefh and blood cannot reach till they be revealed. Lookas if my fpirit conceive this or that, no man betide my felfe can tell it: fo God, the things in him none can tell but himfelfe, and thole towhom he will reveale it. This is one principall difference betwixt the Gofpell andthe Law, that there is a God, that he fhouldbe ferved, that a man fhould not be a murtherer.This is not abovenatures reach: But that mankind is loft, or that there fhouldbe a Redeemer of the loft, &c. no reach of nature can comprehend. So that we have caufe to acknowledge Gods goodneffe in revealing thefe hidden myfteries ofgrace and falvation to us who werealtoge- ther ftrangersto Chrift; blinded by the God ofthis world in our un- derftandings , and of our felves could never have come to the leaft glimpfe of thefe glorious myfteries which in Chrift by the Gofpell are nowmade cleare to our eyes. We muft leek his Spirit, the Spirit farcheththe deep things of God. Why,may one fay, what needeth now they are revealed, now they are fulfilled, and therefore more eafie. None can conceive of the work ofGod , but he whole underftan- ding the Lord hath opened , therefore the Princes of this world that heard the heavenlywifdomeof God from the mouthof Chrift that did accomplifh the counfell ofGod,they didnot know it, for then they wouldnot have crucified the Lordofglory: evenas if I fhould thinke this or that , and fhould write it, or doe this or that before one that was blind,hee could neither read, not beholdme: foitiswith God in his counfell, until! hegive hisSpirit. Who created.] Here is a teflirnony ofthe Divinityofthe Father,eind the Sonne. For asthereare many formes of arguments: fo this is one principal!, tl is worke ofCreation. Firft we may learne that God is equall in (hewing mercy tothe Gentile as well as to theIew :for this is laid downe as to Phew how equall his counfell within himfelfewas. Butthismuff rightly be underftood, for we muff not conceive as if graceofRedemption extended as farre as Creation; but therefore it is fet downebecaufe that it doth ftoppe the mouthofthe Iew envying at that God did to the Gentiles, and this is moft equall to dealealike with chofethat are equall, God is juft. By Chrifl ] we were made, notas by an inftrument ; it doth doth teachus three things; That comely proportion in Gods difpofiLion, when we Thew rea- fons why not the Father nor the Spirit, but the Sonne fhould worke the works of our Redemption, this is one that it wasmeet as we were made by Chrift,that fo we all() fhould be redeemed byhim. It doth ftrengthen our Faith touching the all -fuficiency of our Sa- viour,