Va R , i o. Sphefianf, Chap.?. viour , for in many things we Muff Tooke to the Almighty powerof God, We lookefor thegreat God. Col.'. 13, 54. 2 Cor.4. 6. That we reft inhim only as an all-fufficient Saviour, Col.z. 8, 9. Be_ ware left there be any that fpoyle you, &c.for in him dwelletb a& the fill- 3' neffeofthe God-head bodily. V E R S. I O. 7o the intent that now unto the Principalities and p ow- VER. 10. ers inheavenlyplaces,might be known by the Chuith the manifoldwif domeof God. Now followeth the fecond effcet wrought by the Gofpel, inaf- much as the Gofpell wrought the gathering oftheChurch,it wrought mediately this further inftru&ion ofthe Angels; forfrom that which they did behold done by the Gofpell , they proceeded toa furtherun- derfianding and acknowledgement of Gods wifdome. This effeét is fet downe by three circumfiances. r. The perfons,in thefe words, to Principalities andPowers. 2. The mean oftheir further knowledge, in thefewords , by the Church. 3. The groundof it, and all from the I r. verfe, Gods eternal! purpofe. For theclearing of the wordsfoure things mu(t be confidered. 1. What ismeant byPrincipalitiesand Powers. Anfw. The Angels to whom Godgiveth a Prince-like power in Why;Angéis theadminiftrationof thefe kingdomes, for their miniftery Godufeth i,es ánd ew,l in executing his fovcraignty on the faceof the earth. ers. p 2. What is meant by the Church. Anfre. It noteth not the preachingof the Apoftles or other Mini- The Angels fiers in the Church, but the Church really now colleéted by the mi- éecd byh `° fieryofthe Gofpell, forthefe three reafons: preachingof r. Thepreaching ofthe Gofpell is to teach and build us 3 a word bUt ¿;n °j offaith for us and our children, not forthe Angels to learn by. Churchit felfe 2. It invertethGods order through the Scripture, who is readto asit is thereby have taught menby Angels,not thecontrary. collated. 3. Itdoth not agreewith the Context, for Paul was fens to preach Chrift to the Gentiles,thus to bring them to fellowfhip in the Word, to make them one fheep.fold under one fhepheard, that thus by the Church now gathered,the Angels mightbe further informed in that whichthey did behold, further conceiving the wife work of our Re- demption, and unfearcheablewifdome of God which contrived it all. 3. What is here meant by wifdome. Anfw. Thewifdome ofGod is two-fold: Either that wifdome which is in God, or that wifdome of his with- out him, an effrlt ofthe former, and this is two-fold: the wifdome of hisword, or his works, which asthe former are done in wifdome,and calledwifdome , even thework ofCreation , which is leffe then his worke of Redemption. Here ismeant partly the wife difpofition of our falvati-rnby Chrift, but principally the wifdome ofGodwhich is himfelfe, the authour of the other. 393 K k 3 Manifal Of Godswif- dome.