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: 374 Epbeans,Chap. ;., v s R. IC. GodswWdome Man: old. It is called manifold, not that God hash more wifdomes how manifold, then one, but becaufe of the manifold wife courfes which God taketh for accomplifhing that which he doth purpofe, as we may bee raid to havea manifold will, though we have but one , when wee will many things and divers. The fumme ofthe words commeth to this: "God made me a Minifterof the Gofpell, that I might gather the "Church of the Gentiles into one with the Jewes, that thus , the "Angels to whom God doth communicate a Prince-like power over kingdomes, thole I fay, whereas they had defired to fee the "things ofthe Gofpell, r Pet. r. r4. might now by that which they CC faw fulfilled in the Church gathered together, come ro a more " full and confirmed knowledge both ofthe wife work of our Re- "demption, andof Gods rich, unfearcheable wifdome, the difpo- "ferofall. Now for the doólrines. Doti. r. Comparing this wifewith r Pet. r, sa. we learne, God will That God bathhis time to bring fach to further knowledge who have a his time bring truedefire ofknowledge. The Angels as they are piétured over the Pro- them to for- pitiatory in the Holyof Holies, theydid turne their faces downetvard, rherknow- Eleagewho notfomuchvayling,inconfcienceoftheirinfirmitybeforetheirCrea- ti vc acme de- for , as with great defire prying into thofe heavenly m fleries. Now fire °fir' here we fee theyhave theirdefrrefulfilled. God w 11 latisfy the hun- gry with good things. And therefore we mull: make this ufe of it: Yf, To flirre up our fèlves to thefervent defire ofknowing God , the rather becaufe our labour fhall not be loft, Prou.2. 3. Ifthou cryefl af- Prnv.a, ;,4. ter knowledge and liftefiup thy voycefor underflanding,ifthou fee,FgFtber, aefilver, andfearch ft for her for hidden treafures then fßalttboa under/Iand thefeareofthe Lord, andfind the knowledge ofGod. z. That the t 4ngels are called Principalities and Powers: obferve, 'Angels 0. iravea That Goddoth aftthe miniflery of vingels in thefir syong there king- This in the domes in whichwe live: For they are called thus, becaufe God doth (fwaying of give them a preeminence under him and a power in the orderingof doeey Ong thefeinferiour things,as the devils are calledpowers ofdarkneffe, Eph. 6. becaufe the wickednclfe of the world doth let themup as Kings and Princes: the Angels are called for this caufe , Dan. to. r a. great Princes. They aremade to be above our Kings and earthly powers, as God is above them. Wonder not at oppreflon in a Province, for & "efç.a. there is a highone above the highone here; and there is the Father,Sonne, rfay.;7.;6. and Spirit, higher then both. .4ngells refcued lerufalemfrom the force ofthe L./Illyrian, an Angell created ledthe people into Canaan, as is gathered bycomparing the zö and3 r of Exodus. Yfo r. confederation fhould ferve to comfort us, if we faw the Pillars ofKingdomes fhaken, the wickedBeare fway, yet there are in thofe kingdomesgreater withus thenagainft us. !Tea. Again, we muff acknowledge when things are any thing tolerably carried inthefe evill rimes, thatit is not without the tninifleryofGods, Angels-And we muffpray to God that he would let his Principalities and!