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E R. 10. Eplhefam, Chap.;. and Powersbe about our King.and Princes, that they may be prefer - ved and inclined to that whichmay be comfortable for Church and Commonwealth. 3. The third thing tobe marked is this,that he faith,they learned by the Church, by feeing and beholding the Church gathered; obferve, That we have the víngells eye witneOfes ofus; that they fee the things Doti, done in the church ofGod. t Cor. rt. i o. Thewomanought to havepow- er on her head, becaufe of the loage/ls. This was fhadowed out in the fes of what s oldChurch,Exod. 3t.Thecurtainesofthe tabernaclewere pi `iuredfull drreinrhe ofChcrubims to fignify this,thatabout us who are the true tabernacle Church of God. and Church of God , there are troupes of Angels. And this their Heb. r. 4. names doe warne; it bring their ófgce to bee miniflring Spirits fir the yr goodofthen:whofhallbeheyres offalvation. This therefore mull teachus reverently to carry our felves , `efpeci- , T;,,, ex. ally in the affemblies: let women come v.iyled , becaufe of the An- gels,& Paul doth chargeTimothy a's before God & lefus Chrifl,fo be- fore his elea Angels,teaching us,thatthe confiderationof them (hould bind us tobe carcfull. Ifgrave men are a bridle to us , what would troupesofglorious Angeis,ifwe couldwith the eyes of faith fee them prefentr Let us therefore in this Sadduce-likeage pray , that fiat we may have a reverence ofGod, thenof his Angels among us, that fo we may endeavour to walke as befeemeth thofe info greata prefence. 4. That thefe Angels come by that which they fee in the Church to further knowledge,this doth teach us: Dsá. That tho(e who enjoy the ble f dfight ofGod, have not by vertue of this joy that en_ s er eti knowledge e all thins. The Angels beholding the face of l `he Gcned p f $ f g g view of God God, did not know things, as afterward they come to know them, doenot there_ theydid not knowand acknowledge the wifdoineofGod fo as it was ty tgs.wall chinos. afterward revealed. There is obferveda fourefold knowledge of the Angels. A £gore -fold t. The first is naturali, which maketh them know the works of knowledge in Creation and the invifible things ofGod in it, all the truth in Angels. which they were created. 2. A fupernaturall, which is fuch a fight of God , whereby they areconfirmed in their citate, for there was in them fomefur- ther apprehenfion ofGod, then in thofe that fell: Now they couldnot have it unies they had received it. 3. A knowledge ofrevelation, Dan. 6. 4. Aknowledge which they get by obferving things that come to paffe,both fpirituall and naturali:for beholding the graces ofthe Spirit and working of tll,m, they gather an habitual! knowledge whereby they can áifcerne both the worker of rhetn, and perfons in whom they are wrought effectually: So obferve the courfe of things cafuall, theycan probably fore- The Angel` profit incape- tell things which in part are cafuall. ;n entail - Now thisknowledgehere is this knowledge of experience, behol- nowiedgebÿ ding that which the Gofpell wrought in the Church , they did more ¡;e ¡ tr ú° fully fee the workofRedemption. For, t.They.