376 Yfs r. AgainR Pa- pi(ts;Saints departed can- not heare our prayers. Objeci. r. objeiP. 2. objeit. 3. objef.f. 4. Ephe¡tanr,Chap.3. V >e R. 110. r. Theydid fee accomplifhcd before their eyes things theyhad knowne in fome fort, as we know things abfent un- accomplited. a. Theydid thus grow to a more full and confirmed enlighten- ing in the wife work ofour Redemption. 3. Whichis the principali, they did thus come to a more full knowledge and acknowledgement ofthe deep riches of the wifdomeofGod, the founraine of the former. For though the Angels had alwaycs a bleffed knowledge of God, yet not a perfect, either inregard ofthemfelves teeing, or God feene, theydid not fee him totaliser, foas there wasno further thing in him tobe feen, nor yet with fuch afight inregard of themfelves, fo per- feét, that nofurther lightcould be lent it then it had. This then thus openedof the Angels fucceffiveknowledge by revelation, or other- wife; It doth firft confute the moft probable way which the Papilis can find for the Saints in heaven to heare our prayers by: for firft they fay the foulesof them maybe hereon carth;but it will be a tottering prayer which is grounded upon aperadventure. Secondly, they fay the Angels may tell them: but whogave them this office of riding poft betwixt us and the foules now bleffede Thirdly, they fay, Goddoth Chew them ; but then it is likely the Churchwould pray to God to Thew their prayers toS. Peter &S.Pa,I. Fourthly,they fay, that they fee in God,when men call upon them. But we oppofe to this, that the Angels know not many things till theyare revealed,theyfee the face ofGod , and did Co when Chrift faid, no Angell in heaven did know the day of judgement. objet. f: But they fay, we holdnot that they fhould fee all things, but that which maketh thembleffed: now this doth agree to them to this pur- pofe, that they maybe bleffed. vfo[w. It is faife, for this doth not concerne them, norany creature, but Chrift by vertue of his office, objeel.6. as themfelves fee inpart. And that which they fay, that though not by vertue of office , yet as fellow- commoners with God, it is meet they fhould have this honour to heare and preferre requefts. daf:r. This is a furmifeoftheir owne humane reafon, the wifdome ofwhich is folly attd enmity againfl God. Yfe s. This, that the Angels make further proceeding, doth teach us patience though wee doe not fee God as wee defire, though wee cannot comprehend his workes as wee with ; the Angels came not to all at once ; we muff be infants a while , and fee as in a glaffe things abfent, we in time come to fee them prefent, to behold them fulfilled. rl 3. Left this fhould beperverted,we muft know that if the Angels by that they fee grow up in knowledge of the worke and wifdome of God, then whatfoever we are, we muft hill be learners and profit in that we fee and heare. Grow,, in theacktto led ,¡ EoloII: t.to. The lati thing tobe markedin the vertes this:the thing in which m-a L they