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;7g Vie r. z. VIII. II. DO. r: WhatCoever dotti befall us in time,hath been purpofed by God from everlaffing. Pfal. rrf z. lCay rM 54. Aßt 4. S*. PCal.;e. r6. z. 3. ann.1.19 Ephe¡ianr,Chap,;. jT ER, H. and maketoone purpofc, was an admirable wifdome. Wetherefore remembring that in the Church God doth work his works ofmanifoldwifdome, muff let itbe a curbe to licentious cenfu ringofany of Gods courfes in his Church : we mutt not when we heare ofpredefbnation and fuch likc,or ofhisdealing any wayes in his Church,open our mouthesagainst these, like the doggebarking at the Moonc, but lay our hands on our mouthes, knowing that all are full ofwifdome, though we cannot behold the reafon of them. Wemuff acknowledge the wifdome ofGod in hisdealing with his Church ingenerall,or perfonally; if he let his Church fall tohell, ifhe now leave one people and takeanother,ifhe let hereticsand perfecu- tions come uponher: foperfonally , if we be let fall into evill , if he fometime leave us in defertion, fometime acknowledge and make much ofus, we mull fay, who (hall teach him wifdome that judgeth the highest things? V E R S. I r. According to the eternall purpofe which he purpofed in Chrifl lefus enr Lord. In this verfe three things are contained, I. Theground which we marked before of all this is here fet downe tobe Gods purpofe. z. Theperfon in whom this was to be accomplished , chrift. 3. A descriptionof thisperfon from the benefits we have in him, verfe rz. Thenwe are tomarke, That whatfoever doth befall us in time , the famebath beenpurpofed to no by Godfrom everlafling. It is true, be it good or evill, his colenfel fha!stand, be doth whatfoever ie his will. As I have purpofed,fo fhaRitcome topaffe, es I have confrlted, it(hall /land. Whatsoever Herod and Pilate with the reft did againft our Saviour, it was before in the purpofc and determinate counfell of God;thiswe mull old for a certaine and found conclusion, that every thing in the world hath and (hall fo come topaf(e as God hach purpofed and de- creed it, in that time, place, manner and end , and by that meanes as. God hath appointed. Wemutt therefore labour to rife up and behold Godseternall pur- pofe in all events we fee, which he Both or fuffereth tobe done; for it is a ground ofpatience, as when lofephdid confider Gods purpofe in that lewd fad ofhis brethren, hee was well pleafed. So David was patient under all the revilingsof shimei; i held my tongue andfeid no- thing,for thouLord didfi it. Again, in all good things wehave, when wecan fee that they were purpofed to us of God from before worlds, itwill force us to acknow- ledge his moll fatherly care : for looke as this Both teftify a Parents care, when beforehe hath children be will provide this and that,pur- posing it (if God (ball give him any) tohis children: fo it is withGod, if we can fee him when we had no being, but in himfclfe , purposing and defigning every good thing to us. Ifthis wife Godhath purpofed all things, then feare not, norbe ut- terly;