V s R. lz. Ephefianr, Chap.;. 379 terly dejeéted under any Croffe , or at the rageand fury of wicked perfecutors, feare not theirflares for whys the hayres ofyour head are t Per.; tq. allnumbred; anda f(imrowfalletbnot u the groundwithout the wid of y' 2O =9,a ° btavenly Father. Laftly,itis comfortable while we know that all that good which Godbathwilled tous,he will work it for us, faith,repenrance,perfeve- rance ingrace and falvation. Did our good depend upon our oívne wills, as things exempted from fubjeetion tohis power, all our com- fort were at an end ; ifthe prefervationofme from eviti , and be- flowing all goodon me, did not depend entirely forprincipal! efficacy on God, farewell all Religion. The latter part of this verfe hath a doubleconítruetion,for either it may note Chrift as a party purpofing with the Father,or asa par. tyin whom this purpofe was tobe wrought and executed. But pf thisfee throbfervations onEph.ch. t.e'. 4.5.1 paffe ro the rz.verfe. V ERS. 12. Inwhomwe have boldneffe and acceffe with confidence V a RE. I2. by thefaith of him. Now fblloweth a defcriptionofChrift: it hath twomembers. Theoneofthe benefits we have in him. Theotherofthe meanofattainng thefe benefits. Thebenefits are two. t. Boldneffeor liberty. 2. Entrance with confidence. The meane, faith: let out by the object,faith onhim. For the openingofthebenefits, you mutt knowthat liberty here is that freedome.ofthe confcience abfolved from guilt , which maketh demandtoGod t lohn 3. 2 I. Ifour confciencecendernne its not, then we haveboldneffe : even tomake that requefofagood confcience. Entrance ] heredoch fignify not only commingto God in prayer, =Pe[.;. t. but all thatrcfort and communion whichwe cometo havewith God, united by faith to Chrift Iefus;accordingto that t Pet.3.t8.Chrifl bath oncefuferedforfinnes,the jellfor the unjufi,that hemight bringus toGod. In confidence] cloth fignify fecxrely , without tear`; to dwell ire confidence,thatis,fecurely, noneaffrighting. Now tó confrderthedoarine of thefe benefits, which is the ope- ningofthem. Doti. r: Weefee thatin Chrifi onely the confcience is able toplead before- God the In Chtin only righteoufnefJeefit. Ournaturali ftateis defcribed, Rom. 3. allegorical. it our °°Fri Judge, God the whte ` able to a e the match- pll eaea d i[s rigir etors,thelaw the acculer, finneour indiétment, and what is rheiffuee teourne febe- ever mouthúflopped beforeCad:and fo what fhallin the day of judge-, Fore God. y PP Y Rom.q. t9. ment bethe takingofthe wiekede they (ball with monntaines tofad on ReveL6, t6. them,andhide themfrom the wrath o ftheLambe. But in Chrift we come to pleadour righteoufneffe before the Father: Now eben there is no coo. items. t. demnationto thefè thatare in Chrift lopes: It is Chrifi Marie rifen, yea that ved° 34 maketh tntercef ton,who'hallcondemneua, andlay any thing to the charge ofusGods chofen? A true-Chriftian his chiefe courage and boldnef e is with-God, hefoares nor, nor cares not what men thinke , or fpeake, or