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;8o , .Ephefidnr,Chap.;. V. or judgeof him, he knowes all his fufficiency is of God and not of himfelfe, that God worksall his works for him and he will accept his works: But efpecially in thecourt ofconfcience and divine juftice, and in the matterand caufeofjuftification, whereinno man can ftand , or dare appeare orfhew his face , in regard ofthe guilt offinne ; here a Chriftian is moft bold,and dareappeare comming with Chrift his Ad- vocate, Proi or or Attourney,anddare plead his caufe and hand upon interrogatories with God himfelfe, and aske God himfelfe ( humbly andwith reverence)what he bath to lay tohis charge, and what there is more that he will, or his juftice can require for fatisfaetion, more thenhis furetybath done and fatisfied for him. He dare not only chal- lenge all creatures faying, who shall lay any thing to the chargeof Gods ele&butto God himfelfe, hecan makehis apology, as 2 Cor. 7. 2. cor.+:1o.11. For having truly grieved for his limes, becaufe he bath offended God, and farrowed according to God, and this griefe having wrought in him, tidy, revenge,indignation, he may now fafely and boldly byChrift his Advocateandinterceffor, make his apology, and ftand upon inter- rogatories withGod, why GodIhouldnot pardon him,and accepthim for his child, and receive him into favour, according to his covenant andpretmifes, his juftice and faithfulneffebinding him (as bris a God) thereunto. t /An I. g: Ifwe acknowledgeourfznnes,he isfaithfalland jufl toforgive us ourfinnes. FP i We muff therefore think on this ineftimable benefit,that we whofe confciences did accule us and make us blanke , may now through Chrift freely with reverence, ftand upon interrogatory before him. 2. Commit thy felfc to Chrift, let him be thyguide to walk byas the WemultCoal- way, tobe counfelled by him as the truth, and quickned and ftrength- uu our felves nedby him as thy life, and never doubt but he will bring thee fafely to thrift. Y Y to God, and thou fhalt never mifcarry , he will bring thee tohis reit and into the landofCanaan where Goddwells, and prefent thee be- foreGods face perfe l in love.. Thou limit never mifcarry by any fines, lufts, temptations, croffes, miferies, for Chrift bath led the way throughall there and made it fafe, only commit thy mind and heart tobe ledand guided by him , trufting to him as thy Prophet to counfell thee, andcall nomanRabbi but him,thyonely Prieft to lead thee to God,and Kingtodefend thee, and quicken thee , renouncing thy reafon, wit , lulls , learning and all creatures; truft to Chrift on- ly thyfhepheard, to bring thee out of Satans bondage and to lead thee through the darke wilderneffeof thisworld; foronly Chrift the Son ofGodwho came from thebofomeofGod,can bringus to God. 3; Thisdoth greatly controll that Popifh doubting, built on fuck fan Wee have that dy foundations,as our not having a particular word: whereas we have thpis ',quail a general' with a commandement, which is as much as a particular. articular word. And wehave the Sacraments particularly applying things to us, and their ground fromour want ofqualification is weake: for wee are not bold in our felves,for our difpofition, but in Chrift Iefus , and Gods covenant ftricken in him , which he bath promifed to performe: not for