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384. Epbefian.r,Chap.;., V BR. >ts. Dorf. 2. Wee fee, What is the nature ofa true juffifyingfaith, it is not onel Faith is not a é knowled a andagent ingeneral, but a ton dent imhrace which the heart bare but a confident maketh ofthe thing to which he bath aßeieted. embracing But becaufc this place is pleadedbythe adverfary againff us, there- with the hgart of thin fore wemull infli a little in di(cuffing the truthofourcolleáion. the aWïcnted to. Theyhence reafon thus, to prove that faith is not a croft and confi- dent perfwafion inparticular. A ropui col- That which is the effcfi offaith, is not faith: teftion anfwe- But boldneffe and confidence arc the effects offaith. red. Ouranfwer is three-fold. a. By the like ; that which is the effea offire is not in fire, heat is the effeEl: fo that the propofition thus would be weak. To the fecond part: Confidencehash a double acception: Twoaeeepti- r. It is putfor an imbrace or clafpingabout this or that in parti- onsofconfi- colar, which the heart maketh, and which is an asoffaith. aence. a. For fecurity, Peace palling underftanding which refulceth hence : for that confidence which is a confirmed hope of things abfent,ofwhich the Papilts difcourfe fomuch, cannot be proved from the Scripture: theScripture fpeaketh ofit as a particular perfevafion of things prefent. Now I ardwer, confidence in the firft kind is an ad of faith , not n effect: confidence in theother is an effccl,and we grantall , if it be fo taken, for it faithnothing againft us. Now hence we reafon infallibly to thecontrary. That which begetteth libertyand confidence , that muff be more then a knowledge and affair; for the devils have this and yet tremble: and if that I were almoft ftarved , and fhould know ofa great feaft, and that many fhould be invited , but fhould not have any certainty that Iamongthe reft fhould, only a hopeofperadventure, how could this quiet one in filch efface:, Nay ifthere fhould not bee a confident imhrace ofthefe things byfaith, it could not bring forth confidence:as the fruit is in the feed, fo is this confidence in faith, for elfe no more that which is not hot can make hot: therefore the Scriptures oppofe to faith not only unbeliefe, but miliruff, calleth confidence faith as the Papas grant. lam. r. 6. compare with r lehn 5 . 14. And it is profi- table to marke their doeirineoftheir faith with the Apoftles: they fay a true faith for fubftance may bewith full defpaire in the fame perfon, the Apoftlefaith that faith breedeth boldneffe and fecure accefte to God. obje Oneobjeâion is tobe anfweredwhich force weak ones maymake. If all faith have thefe effects, then 1 have no faith, for I cannot find them. Anf. The Apoftle fpeaketh de jure, what all believers may doe. Howaweak a. Defate, what they doe inforce part that are weakeff in faith, Faith hash and more fully they that arc further growen in it. We molt know confidence. that the afire ofitis fomcmeafureofit.4.Thatlikefeed in theearth,or the foule in a fowne,, fo may confidence be fora fcafoa in a believer. Oa