;86 Doff. A Minilier mull becare- ful to remove offences that maybinder the growth of the Gofpell. ,Mat.13.140.3. Match. it.6. There will fcandals arife tohinder the faving vertue of the Gofpell, andhow. r Tim. 6.3. Mat.19.r6.xr. tam.t.ß. Mar.6.2a.a4. Vfe. Markeg. 43. Epbefians,Ehap:;.. V ]i R. í 3, holdout,n'dikher afhamed ofthe Gofpell,nor mea Paifoner for it, The parts oftheverfe are two. I. An exhortation to theufe andpradifeofthe former dodrin. 2. A reafon of the exhortation. Firfl, we fee the Apoflehiscare that he might not run in vaine, he prevented that which mightbeoffenfive, and removeth the Humbling blocks : obferve hence; A c minitier mullnm only befaithful! to preach goodandholefome d6tirine, but careful! andwatchful! to remove all fach offences'andflumblingblocks as Satan andthe fefh may call in she way to corruptthefeedoftheWard, and hinder thegrowthofit. For as Godgives holeiòme feedof faving doctrine, fo he requires us to bee watchful! that the enviow3man row not tares amidfithefeed whilemenfkep. There- fore Chrift having proved himfelfebydoctrine and works to bee the true mefsias, that they fhould not expel anyother, he being commen- ded to the worldby all evidencesofa true and perfectSaviour, he ad- deth for preventionof fcandall that mighthinder the faving fruit and Meiling of this doarine:Bleffedir he that isnot sfended in me;and at my firnplicity,poverty &external! bafenes. For there is alwaies fomewhat which hinders the faving vertue of theWord, either offending the mind and judgement, or the will and affections, that thewhole foule cannot perfectly imbrace it to life and falvarion : there is fome Rum- bling blockor fcandall, that hinders a man that hecannot come and clofe with theholefamewords ¡four Lordlefts" Cbrill and cannot attaine to the healing and faving vertueof them, but in hisgoing he Humbles by theway, and takes offence and difaf at fomewhat, before he at- taine the bleffed fruit of the Word. Either his judgement conceives not and approves not thetruth, as thofe, lohn6.6 t. they were ¡fended at that hardfaying, andwent back. Or thewill and affe&ions except a- gainft fortecondition in the covenant , and like not force article or claufe in theconveyance; as thatyoungman that went away forrowfnlat Mat conditionofreceiving eternalllife upon fate ofadthat bee had; and give t¡, the poore: So that by offence ofthe mind or will unrenewed, hecannot with afull confent and true heart enter into the covenant, andmake the bargaine, fubfcribe and feale to it by faith, and be faith- fulland confiant in it, whatfoever forwardneffe he may teem to pro- feffe, as the youngman did. He cannotbelieve with the whole heart and give fullconfent,but byhalfes as da?dPi,ytrx.aadouble minded man, and is d,GTant.70-.unftable in all bù waves. For he lookes net with a tin- gle eye upon one matter to ferve and pleafe him, to live andbee main- tained andprotectedby him, but with a divided foule hee lookesto two Matters, to ferve and truft to God and c.Atammon. For tryall ofa trueheart, ifwecan gladly fufferthat the Minitierof theWord fhould cut offthe fcandals,ifoar righteye caufe at to offend to plack it our, or our right handto cut it off; and not only to preach good doctrine, but tocut offthofe lulls char hinder us in the praltife, and in the full confent ofmind and will, and to remove all lets and blocks in our way to Godand praCtife ofgodlineffe, and tohunt us outof every flatting