V E R. 13. Ephefitans, Cap. ;. (tatting holc,faying with David, Lordprove me and tryme ift&ere be a- nywayofaickednes in me.Nocarnal man can imbracewhole Chi-412nd hisGofpelt, and relifhthem wholly, bur he takes dil}aft and ,offenceat fomewhat; he profetfeth he loves Chrift as a Saviour, but he cannot abide his Croffe, belt is anenemy to the Croffe ofChrift, becaufé .hic God is his belly and hefavours befi earthly things: He would have fellowllup. withChrift and know him, but not the fellowfhip of his affiaions. His reafon and will cuts and carves to himfelfewhat his fleth likes, and re jeâs the reft: He would have theSpirit the Comforter, but notthe kil- ler and mortifierofhis lofts and corruptions. But know that the Go- fpell and the Croffe are unfeparable companions: He that will bee my Difsiple, lethimdeny himlelfi andtake uphis Cro f fe daily,and fofollowmc. Hereby wemay know the truth and foundnefl'eofour hearts and affe- étions, if they can content and fubfcribe to the Word, even the whole Word, and efpecially that which is molt contrary to ourlufts and cor- ruptions, cafe and peace, as ifay 38.8. Heekiah accepted the threat- ning fromGod and Paid , Theword of the Lord is good. wire not my words good unto him that walketb uprightly, and hath an upright heart a all Gods words arc good and fweet unto fuch a heart : to a very wicked heart fome words ofGod arenot offcnfrve whichcroffe not hisbeloved finnes; a covetous perfon is not offended at that word which reproves drunkennefl'e and prodigality : All lohn sapti ffsSermons offended not Hervduntill he came to touch his finne ofincontinency, but he heard them gladly: Agood heart moll delights in that word which tendeth molt effeótuallyto theflayingof his flefh- ly lulu and corruptions, andmoftof all confenteth and clofeth with that doctrine or commandement which piercing to the heart , faith; Thou(halt not luFI. Though the tlefhand luft and lawof the members rebell against this law of God, yet the mindand will ofthe inner man confent and delight in that law, and fay,It isholy, jail and goal. Rom., 7.7, 8,9. compared with verfe r4, r 5,r b, r 8, 22. PAL t /50. 5, 6. Ler all Minifters alfo prove themfelves true and faithfull Minifters,' as in difpenfing the counfell ofGod; fo in a wife and faithful! applica- tionof theWord,making it a two-edged (word to cut off the fcandals and offences ofthe tlefli,andto fpare noman, having the 'vengeance rea- dy again; all difobedience, topluck out every eye, andto cut of every hand that isliftedup againfi theknowledge ofGod,andbringing intocaptivity e- very thought exalted againfi theobedience ofChrifl, both ofhigh & low, ofrich andPoore. This is required ofa di/prenfir, that he be foundfaith. nll: faithful! topoore ,weakand impotent Chriftians, to beas eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame:and contrary to all rebells,tocut down all Inch as mutiny against the laving verrueof the Word , for the de- ftruétionofthe flefh, that thefpirit may be faved in the day oftheLord Jefus Chrift. it mull needs be that offences mu]? came, but woe be to them . bywhom they come. It is farregreater grace and power of Gods fpirit to remove evil!,then togive good , to remove fcandalsand offences then topreach holefome doétnne. Further 3$7 PC 139.3 0,04 The difference between a car- nall manand a godly in recei- ving Chri'ii and his Gbf- pen. Phil.?. 8.19. Phil;. 10, Luke9. Micah a.7. Rom. 7. 7. Rom.7. rz. Yf< z. Marks 9. 43. a Conao.6. t tor.45.. The skilt and fidelity of a Mintfatt is in removing fcandals, r Cor. f. r. Matth. s 8.7.