;88 I L'Iiheflans,Chap.;. Dort. I. We are prone uponEre trou- ble ofMini- VEa,1;. Further, from the exhortation obferve two things. That we are prone when the t,vtinifiers of the Ge(Jell are trou6led,to fall bothfrom themand their Gofpell. Zach. 13.'7. When the /hepheardis fmit- ten, thejheepJhall befcattered. Mat.26. 56. When Chrift himfelfe was {lers to for- apprehended and under the handsofhis enemies, aQ the Dlfciples for- fake them end pp their Gofpell. fake himandfed. And a great part of the hearers of the Word are fuck, ' t sttat. 13. 21. fet out in the ftony ground ; They receive it with joy, yet having noroot, it dureth bùt a feat for as Toone as tribulation or perfecution commeth becai$feof the Word, by andby heis offended. We doe runne in whenwe come to wetting, we hold not out when tribulation commeth. No wonder. `Jjafon t. For by nature there is inus, as the Philofopher could difcerne, an immoderate declining of that which is grievous co fente, we turneour back upon the forme, and wi'1not goe fo farreas to put our finger in the fire,at any hand. Ttsafau s. Fromoutchild -hood dóthgrow upwith us an immoderate love of a pleafant condition; we are like fwallows , we would alwayes have the fummer Sunne, never bee feene where winter commeth. Which di 1pofition is fet down, Hole.Io.I1. Ephraimwad as an heifer ufed to de- light in threJhing; the beaft threfhing was not muzzled,but did feed to fatneffe: fo we love fo to ferve in religion, that we may be franked in a profperous condition. Regan 3. Weare exceeding inconftant,ready with the Jfraelites to change God with a calfe in afmall[pace, torejeyce in lohn Baptift as a light, to crown Chrift today and crucify him tomorrow. Which things confidered no wonder if the devill blowing thefe coales, wee bec fubject to re- volt. r!° t Wherefore we mutt learne toget a confcience ofourweakneffe, for if we walke fufpebling our felves, it will prove better then Peters pre- fumption; this hsly faare ofour owne ffanding, will be our truefecuri- ty, whenothers walking in their owne ftreugth , fhall receive an utter foyle. 2. Again, we muti take heed we bee not moved from our eftablifh- ment,as Peterexhorteth, 2 Pet.3. 17. Beware let?yebeplucked away with theerror ofthewicked, andfallfrom your owne fledfafnefe. And pray to God that he would give us that grace to fuller, when the devifcommeth to winnow la. The fecond thing to bemarked is, what is all our duties : viz. Dort. z; Not to be afhamed, but tofuffer in theaffiîlions of theGofpell, when the We muff bet Mitt: Iers are troubled. So Paul exhorteth Benot ajbamed, but 'hare ready to fuf- 1' o f it , fer in the of withme in thefufferings ofthe Gofpell; and n Thefj. 3 .3. the felfe-fame iiecons ofthe duty is injoyned: That no man /hould be movedwith tho¡ aff idüonsofthe with theMinttters Gof el. Thusclouds of are gone before us, who have nei- thereot. then (hrunk from their Minifters,nor from their faith in times of perfe- curioo. I Kings t 8.4. In the timeofElijah there wasagood obadiab, who tookan hundred Prophets andhidthemby fifty ina cave, andfedthem with breadand water. Ier. }8.7. Ededmelech forJeremiah. Paid had his onetiphorus,