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17 E R. i ;. Ephefians, Chap. ;. 389 onefiphorus, his s_4qui/a andPrifiuffa, whßwouldyieldtheir nceks to the Rom. 16.3.4. block, torefcaehim from jeopardy. Wemuft not be difmayed at thefe things. For the Crofte and prafeffion ofChrift arealmoft undivided eom- paniona God hath fopreordained it: your felvcsknow that we are appoin- 7Craf t' Theft:s 3 . . ted:hereunto. We mutt not take offence at there things, becaufe our bleffedneffe Avf«, s. doth nand in it: 13 leffedare they that are not afended in me; at my fuffe- rings,not only in my owne perfon,but inmy members, for thefe are Mstth.rr.6. the fufferings of Chrift, as Paul faith, Co/off. I.:4, NowI rejoyce homy [offerings or you, andfulfill therefs of the afflillions of Cbrifi in myfIe/h, for his bodies fake,which isthe Church. ifyee be railed on for the name of rer rM Chrifl,ble£fedareyet, for the fpirit ofglory and ofGodrrfiahuponyou. This nor falling away in times ofperfecution is a tcdtitnony tous of Aisfa 3. found hearts,for as hypocrify is difcovered in the time ofaffliEìion,this being his property that hewill turne typpet, and become any thing ra- ther then fuffcr perfecution for Chrift crucified : fo on the contrary there isdifcovery madeofhimwhofcheart is fincere this being the proper efTet t of the Spirit ofßrength love , andof a found heart. a Tim.t. 7. This is a gainful( thing, t»tefes did account this greater richer then Rear, 4; the treafures ofEgypt; yea bringing above all hope great bleffcdneffe Heb.t r. a6. in thisprefenr lice, Mark. lo. 3o. He /haü receive an hundred fold in this life, and in the world to come eternal!life. In which confederation it muff bee our care not to faint when our Yß i. Minifters arc troubled,not toacknowledge them in times of liberty, & (hake hands with them as foon as thecafe is altered,fuch are like the (landing brookes lob fpeaketh of, drat aboundwith water when there is net lack, but in thefummerfeafon areof dryed top andwithered. And it is good .100.16.16, 17. toconfider that though theythinketo fave themfelves this way , yet Made he thatdashfave his lifeinthit café, cloth lofe it, andhe that lofetb it doth fave it. It may ferve for a triall of our faith and other graces : if thy great Yfe :, confidence in timeof profperity, he changed into feave , griefe, anxie- ty, in timeof troubleand temptation , fufpest thy faith tobee ofthe flefh, and not of the fpirit.Pfal.rt2.E'ewi/lnot beafraid ofevil!tidings, e'fa[.rr :.r. i.e. fo farre as he is a true believer, becaufe his heart is fixed and (table in the Lord: But fofare as our faithis fained, in thew, and fle(hly , it alters and degenerates into flefhly feares that we forfake the Gofpell promifes. For 4u çs ,a doublemindedman is ,bcaab 70-, unftable.Ifwe Jun.,. t have firong defiresand affeûions, purpofes and refolutions in time of ficknefle and dangers, and lofe them in time ofPeace, this inconftan Our 5 faith cy fhewes they were not from the heart renewed by that confiant fpi. what ha our rit or God. Howfoever to our fenfe and feeling, wee would affirme one fenfe theykcal n- and fweare that wefpeak from our hearts, yet let us not truftour owne ry found. fenfe of our hearts. For the true eftate of our heartscan never bee knowne by our fenfe. Senfe can only judge of fenfuall obje&s and things,,