;90 hp'he¡iag,Chapo3. VER. things, it cannotjudge of fpirit and of fpiruall things. They are. ne- ver.fuchis wefeelethem tobe, but as Gods word and fpirit reveale themtobe. Yfe 3. Let it teach usto provethe truthofour faith in thedotrine of fal- t`i¢a'Yaaf : vation b our faithfulnefe to the faithfull Minifters ofGod whohave figneóftruc - y faithwhen, we taught it us: ThusdidEbedmelech, though a man full of feare and infir- re give lers Gods mity, yet God. profeffeth that he trufted in him and proved it, becaufe' to (hiketo he, received, countenanced and proteâed his Prophet, and was faith- them in their fúllto him in all his troubles. .Such pooreChriftians as feare they trouale. have no faith. in Chrift, becaufe they feele fo much feare, doubting, and no fparkof faith to their fenfe,and fo nopartin Chrift and hisRe-. &caption, Chrift affures themand upon hisoath,'that if they be faith- full to bis Miniflers, and love, and reverence them, they receive him,. and are faithful! tohim, andhewill be their faithful! Saviour.Iohn i3; ao.Verily,verily, i fay untoyou, ifIfendany, he that receivetb him re- ceiveth me; andhe that receivetbme, receiveth himthat fent me: mfr 4, .$cuing the fame corruption is in us as in wicked men and Hypo- crites, and was in Chrifts Difciples, as Chrift witneffeth, though they felt it not, andwould not be perfwadedofit, let us walke humbly "aG pedingour felves, and fearing changes,byour flefh , and prefume not as Peter, upon ourfenfe ofneverfogreat defires, purpofes and afc&i- ons; but know there is that corruptionand flelhas canalter us ina mo- meat. Labour for more andmore fpiriruall ftrength dayly, knowing we have the fame barkeof theflcih apt to carryus downe the ftreame, f and we havethe fame Oaresoflufls and finfull affelions, and unleffe .:the fpirit of grace be our Pilot or water-man, and rowagainft the 'ftream,andcarryus by an infinite power againft the courseand fiream ofthe world; wecannot perfevere. This for the duty which hee ex- horteth to. TheReafons followithe firft was handled in the firft vette of the Chapter. The fecond ftandeth thus: That which is aglorious thing foryouto doe,that you mutt doe. But toRandby your teachers; and truth received from them, is aglorious thing. Therefore faint not. I, Therefore when hee doth draw them on by telling them , it is D.E. gllriow: beedoth let us underftand, That there is a lawful! 4ec0ing of There is a fine Phil.4. 8. !Mere be any vertue, auyprayfe , thinke on thef lawful[ 4'41- things: there is aholy ambition which may beaffeeced and praótifed; ing or tome glory. though the gloryofthe world is not to be atfeeted, yet theglory whit!, lrtmrq. . tohn- 44. if ofGodmutt be foughtafter byus. We muff leek it by fuch things and meanes, as are truly glorious, rz sP gin_ and give glory anfwerable tothe nature, ftate,condition anddignityof elf,nor carnali. Gods children, thatis,not a flefhly, but a fpirimall glory, to be well re- puted ofnot for natural!, worldly, or any flcfhlygood or excelletv, aswit, wealth, learning; &c. but for the Spirit and fpiriruall graces, as