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IV ß R, 13, Ephefians, Chap.;. 391 as Rom. 2, 7. Which bypatience in well-doingfeek honour, andglory , and immortality. I Per. 4. 14. ifyee bee railed on for the Name ofChrifl, ble(fedare you,for the f iris ofgloryandofGed refleth upon you : wee may feek to beglorious in the fpint; becaufe God hath preordained us to Each a glorious eftate, and provided fuch gloryfor us only , Wee are llg veffells ofmercy prepared untoglory. The Godofaracewho bath called i Pet. ua to his eternal! kingdome andglory; he wouldhave his children glori- ous in that glory wherein himfelfe the Father ofglory (bines, and not in that bafe,earthly,carnall glorywherein the menof the world Thine as glnw- wormes,but in thefpirituall gloryofGods Spirit,Nature,and Holineffe, Shining as lights in the world, like unto the Father of lights; Phili .5. i which is n account &eflimation with God & his Angels; the glory of P' :. this world is too bafefor Gods children. But this lieth in the argument. The dotítrine which the words containe is this : viz. That it is a °+,i glorious thing topartakein the affil`iions ofthe GoQull with the Mini/iers ous eking oti- to ofit : We may teach it by the contrary,for he that fainteth in the time partake in the oftrouble, hisflrengthio[mall. He is a white-livered man, reproachful! thei&io e4E jufily by reafonofcowardife: foras inoutward battels,it is a fhame for w,ththéMi- a fouldier then to retireand leave his colours when the Captaine doth Hitters beftit himfelf fovalouroufly as if he alone would difcomfit the enemy; etov.a+. io. fo it is in this fpirituall warfareThamefull daftardy , if Chriftians then give inwhen their fpirituall leaders areprodigall of their lives and li- berties: fo on the contrary as it is a glorious thing to bee forward in greatenterprifes, to make entryon fome holds which teem impreg- nable:fo it is when GodBothmufFer his armies and fight his fervants upon fpirituall wickedneffes and this evil! world , then to ftandand quit ourfelves like men, is no fmall glory., God when hefeeth it, doth T talon r. liken his Church to the troupes ofhorfes in the ChariotsofPharaoh:doth commendher as exceeding terrible; Cant. r. E. '24-r°' Men that perfecute her are firicken dead in themfelves,Philip. r . 2 8. f 2. Tn nothingfeireyour adverfaries,mhich is to them a tokenofperdition; the fpiritofglory worketh this, Tfyee fuffer for Chrifl, the [pit* of glory refiethonyou. The end air is exceedingglorious. s cur. 4.17. Our light afflieli- 2i eafau 3, ensfor a atoment,caufeth unto ses afairemoreexcellentandeternal!weight ofglory. The floe ofthe Church in this world is militant, the gloryof it and Roofs?, 4: of all Chriftians, is their courage, ftrength and labour in military fetvi ces, tofuf'eradverfities as goodfetaldiers ofTerns Chrifi; fighting together, T é; áwres. both Minifters and people, as Philip. r. verfi 1. and not one flinch from another: For ifanyman doe ,iltoSiT SNwithdraw himfelfe from his Cap- H64°. S. taine,company and colours, myfoie /hall havene pleafure in him this is not glorious,but bate in Gods eyes: there is a peculiar beauty of an army from thebeauty ofall other föcieties, and foof theChurch mi- litant tomake itpure as the Sienne, faire as the tiwoene, terrible as An ár- Cant o,r; my with banners. There is the fameglory ofChrift the Headand ofall themembers, Rego g. Chrift ,