192 Epheflans,Chap.3. V ER. 14, Chrift was moft glorious upon the Crof e, Moyling the Principalities col... andPowers, andtriumphing over them: So of all Chriftians , for what can be more glorious in Godseyes, and pleafe him better, then for his fervanrs to fuffer any thing for his truth,name and worfhip fake It is more glorious then any other fervice and goodly outward profef7ìon orworfhip wecanperforme,not onely to believe in hisName,and fo to fiale that God is true , doe weehonour him, but much more whenwee fuffer for his fake. There is no King, Lord, or Mailer , but bath his fcrvant and fubjcétin more account, and efteemes better of him and ofhis fervice in fuffèring for him, then in attending on him , in wealth, peace,and cafe for his own credir,profit,and advantage.All which con- fidered, wee fee how true it is that the Apoftle here fpeaketh,viz.'to partake without fainting in the fufferings of the Gofpell is the glory ofa Chriftian. We fee therefore that here fallcth to the ground , the feares of re- proach which the flefh imagineth, whereasit is nothing but a falle fpe- etacle that doth delude corruption put before the eyeofour minde, our owne fclfe-lovemakes the matter feem fo, but if faith on Chrift deer the fight, thematter will appeare farce otherwife ; even as the wood in the fifteenth ofExod. 2 S. put intobitter waters,made thempleafant : So Chrill crucified, being in our afflictions, maketh them, though curfed in them laves, bleffed, though bitter, tweet, though ignominious, yet full of glory. For reproofe offuch as will credit and countenance Minifters while theyare in credit and countenance with the world, but if the world andthe Elate frowns on them, theyare afhamed ofthem : Such give a great argument ofthe unfoundneffc oftheir hearts and future apo(tafy ""' "" M' from while I , that theywill be afhamcd of Chrift himfelfe and his they are in Gofpell: for there two commonly oe together as a Tim. t. 8. For creda,hut Ear - that power ofGod whichworks cfeduallyin calling us by the Gof- fake them when they ate Fell and laying us from fineandSatan, ftrengt ens us alto tobeare af- frowedon. flictions for that Gofpell whore laving vertue wee have felt, and makes us fo to love ir, as rather toendure any afflictions then to for- fake it. Va x S. 14. V E It S. t4. For this caul I bow my knees unto the Father ofear Lordlefus Chrifl. Now followeth the fecond partof this chapter, which for themat- terofit is a prayer: for thecoherence of it may be conceived as com- ming in by wayofprevention: The Ephefiens might fay, Youdoe call us to a duty we owe, but alaffe, we are wcake and have enure to feare our felves. The Apoftle therefore may he thought to bring in this narration ofhisprayer, asftrcngthening his weak hands in this man- ner. Thatwhich the Apoffle doth labour with God inyour behalfe,that you are todoe, and need not feare, but you (hall have ftrength to per - forme it. For prayers doe greatly underprop us in weakneffe, andmake the - .-,.. ftrona Vfez, The uafound- neIIé of fach as will coun-