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V s R. 14, Ephe/udns, Chapa. flrong moreconfident: Godwill deliver us iffo be you ffrive with us byprayer, for theprayer ofarighteoua man cloth much prevaileifit bee fervent: But I doe pray for you: the other parts are left to be gathered, this is fet downby anarrationofthefait to the endof the chapter. The prayer bath three parts : I. A prefaceverle r4, 55. z..Theprayer it felfe,verfe a6,r7,r8,19. 3. The conclufion, verle zo, 21. The preface containeth principally two things. r. Thegefturethe Apoftleufed. a .From that refpea he was in to Chrift. z. Theperfon:defcribed 2 wayes. z.Fromhis property to us,the calling hisName on us. The fnmme is; viz. "As I have called you to thisduty, fo I doe in. "flantly leek to God tomake you able; reverently as becommeth cc me, bowingmy knees; I feek,t fay,tohimwho is both the Father tr ofChrift, whole caufc is inhand, and your Father , or one who Ce bath called his Nameon you with all believers , which are his " houlhold, all I fay , whether :they be triumphant in heaven, or Ge militant in earth. a. Then the fait ofthe Apoftle doth teach Minifters; that they mull not be content to teach c admonifh their people,but they mufi Peek to God for them by prayer,It is the dutyof faithful' Miniftersnot only to propound tothe peoplewholefome doctrine and good exhortationsto holy du- ties,but alto to pray to God earnellly to give his bleffrng thereunto, and toenable them to underftand , imbrace , and pradife that they teach them. A preachingand a praying Miniftery muft goe together: Godforbid Ifhould finne againfl Godandceáfi to pray for you : this is the ftyle ofSamuel, Mofes, vtaron, lob, and Daniel, that they are fuch as call on Gods Name, they muft be Beads -men upon all occafions pre- ferring their fuites in the behalfe of their people. Forwhatfoever we doe , yet peoples untowardneffe is fuch, that they have no ability to entertaine it fruitfully. Whatfoever wedoe, yet it is but planting and watering, and all is nothing ifGod blare not. Thefpirituall enmity is great which Paul having only in his eyes, Both bid us watch untoprayer : for we ordinaryMinifters had further need in this regard to pray unto God for our people, that our owne wants may by his gracious promife be fupplyed. As they are the mouth of God to the people, fo they are the mouth ofthe people toGod:as knowledge & abilityofgifts from Chrifl with love and affeólion to Chrift, m uft open their mouthesas'Chrifts. Em- baffadours to fpeakefor Chrift to his people, and tofeedhis lambes : So true Paftorall love and fatherly affeEtions to the people mutt open their mouthes in prayer to fpeak for them to God. Minifters areCo-workers withGod,and it is chieflyGods worke, and thepeople are Godshusbandry 6, Gods building;the Gofpell is thepowerof M m God. 393 lames í, rd. DotF. Minifrcrs mutt pray for their people afwell as reach them. I eafon r . eafn2. Réafn 3, Reganq. zcor.q.t9. Iohn za. 2eafin S. z Coró.t: I Cor.3.9,10. 4 .s.aasSalM5