194 Roma6,r y. lam. t. x.16. Cor.z. t,z. Mac. zt.13. Doff, In prayerwe mull cornpofe our outward man to duc reverence. Efay.a9. Ephefans,Chap. ;., V E R. 14.. Gad untofalvation, without his armeand power no good can be done; and allfaving graces are glorious andpretteus gifts ofGod , and all Chri flian duties are farre above all power andverrue ofmans ruinated , cor- rupt and deadheart and nature, reprobate to everygood work : there- forethe Miniflerof the Gofpellasa wife Phyfrtian, confidering hee mutt notoncly be faithfull in point ofdodrine tominifter wholefome inftrudions, but alfo inmercy to pity their naturall infirmities, like to Chrift the chiefe fhepheard of their foules, in thingsconcerning God, ro offer gifts and facrifices. For the Minifteras he is in the roome of Chrift to performehis prophetical! office : So alfo toperform the part ofhis Prieftly office in offeringup thefacrifice ofprayer. It is therefore a great want in fuch Minifterswhodoe fo difufethem, felves to this bleffed exercife in private, that it maybe faid of them, thatfor lack offfe the Priefi hath forgot prayer. They cannot fo much as conceive fixe lines in the behalfe oftheir people. Many, if they make confcience of preaching to their people , thinke it no finne nor neglect ofduty, not to pray for them. So they bee provided of gifts and matter to preach, they carenot how their hearts arc difpofed with Paftorall care andfatherly affection topray earneftly for them: So that they can prefent a light of knowledge to the mind by learned , metho- dical! and orderly teaching the cleare points ofdottrine , they regard not to have the Apoftle his agony andfirifi withGod by earnefi affeilien and prayer, that their miniftery and doctrine may pierce to the heart, to worke faving grace.. They labour not for this fatherly love and mercy to be exercifed in prayer fo much, as to fhew tnemfelves learned teachers in preaching, minding more their owne credit and Name to bee called Rabbi , then their peoples comfort and falvation, astheir children, and themfelves as fpirituall Fathers. For people to feekand cleave to as well a faithfull, merciful!, and affectionate praying miniftery as needfull to falvation, as a learned, painefull preaching miniftery, and to defire and improve their Mini - fters fpirit for prayerfor them and their infirmities, dulneffe, forget- lulnefe, and to heale their defects, as hisfpirit in preaching to them. Frequent the houfe ofGod not only for preaching, but for prayer, as it is a houfe ofprayer, as well as ahoufe ofpreaching ; and as we bring faith to know and believe the doctrine preached,and the things revea- led to be goodand neceffary to falvation: foalfo beaffured and hope- fullyexpel to havethe fame beftowed upon thee and conferred by prayer. E. That he prayeth bowing his knees :it dotti teach us , That inour prayers to God we muff compofenot only the inwardman,but the outwards* reverence; though Godcarethnot for the outward man alone. Woe to them that give thelip without the heart : againft fuch the Lord complaines. This people draw neare with their lips ; but their hearts arefarre fromme. AndwhenBeals Prieftsfetup the throate, andpitiful- ly latticed themfelves, hewould not heare,yet itis his will that the our- ward