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.g R. 15. Erbelans, Chap.3. 397 let thee a pattern, to prayas he prayed, if to expreflethyconfidence, by looking up toheaven, ifthy fervency, by ftretching out thy hands, ifthy humility, bycaftingdowne thy countenance: have not the ge- fture withotr the matter, but have the matterand firthe geflure to ir. ThePapifts (hall flume us; who thewa great deale of outward devoti- on when as we are wanting in theoutward (hewofit: They (land up- on the outward fhew, and fo fhall condemne themfelves, they want the inward;and t"(s,becau(e we know better things, butdoe not fo well in theoutward. The Turke fo reverenceth criiahomets temple, that he goes in for- ward and comes out backward, are condemnable for that groffe fu- perftition;but theycondemneus for want of reverence:To conclude, whoever worfhipped a God, true or falle, but he thought there was anoutward profeffion to be maintainedand madegood in the outward Phew! I paflè from this point. 3. We fee that going to God for the matter ofChrift and for his people, he fetteth God beforéhim as the FatherofChrift , the Father ofhis people: which doth teachus, That when we cometo God, wemullfofet himbefore us as maketh molt Date. to confirmeour faith touchingthe thingwe requefl. But pafling by this , and letting the refpeél to Chrift alone as for- merly handled, we will come to the property of God our Father in regardof us, giving us our name. V E It S. 15. ofwhom the wholefamily in heavenand earth is named. VEas. 55. Inthe verfe mutt be obferved three things. r. Thegivingofus our Name. a. ThePerlons whoare named, all thefamily. 3. Thediftributionof the place in whichthis houfhold is, in hea- ven er earth. The fiat eonfideraten then is this:ThatGod doth call all believersaf- Dart. ter bic name: thus here it is faid, ofwhom is named: And Iam. 2.7. the altedo proudfwaggerersare therePaid to blafpheame that glorious name, called leviers. upon believers; Even Gods name, which hee bath called upon all of themas his children: And lohn r r2. it is faid that all believers have thispriviledge, to becalled his children: For as the Parent Both give the name unto the child, Gen. 48. 6.Jacob biddeth that his name fhould be calledonthofe whom he did adopt for his children. And Luke r. Zachary giveth the name of John the Baptift: So it is a property due to God as our Father to call his name upon us. Which doth teach us three things, the Scripture it fclfc collecîing them: The firtt you have r lohn 3.I. Bebold,whatgreat leve theFather bath rf s, (hewed untous, that wefhauld becalledhis Sonnes. Itwas no fmall favour which carafes had (hewed him byPharaohs daughter, that hefhoaldbe,4. calledher foume. It (heweth usour duty, r Pee. I. 17. Ifwendhim Father,who with- 2 gutrefpslt ofperfons juslgetb every man, pap the time ofyour (oiourning here infeare. z Tim. 2.19. Let every one by Z that nameth thrift, M m that 4