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398 3. Doti. Doff. a.**11011119 Ephefians,Chap.3., V E R. 15. that is called a Chriftian after Chrift, departfrom iniquity.W ho would difclaimehis right in Chriftendomee this is made fufficient confide- ration to oblige us to all holineffe: For as one who profefcth himfelfe the Kings fubjeét, acknowledgeth himfel febound in all things to o- bey him fo farm as he may with his duty to Ged, though he be net fo neare hisperfon as thofeofhis Majcfties hcufhold are: So we that pro- feffe our {elvesGods people,muft yield our felves fubjeéts in all things tohim, though we have not that more neare refpcet which is found in others, who by a kind of excellency are called men of God. Men thinke that unleffe they turne Puritanes, they are not bound tobee fo precifc as not to fweare faith or troth, not to game and fwagger, yet whofoever will but challenge thus much, as tobe named the child of God, muff not bolfter himfelfein any courfe of ungodlineffe. It doth reach us how that ouroffences difhonour the name ofGod which iscalled upon us: for when weare Gods people, if we trefpaffe in theeyes ofthe world, then they fay Loe thefeare Gods people, thefe are the holy people, looke Ezech. 36.23. /will fanllify my great Name, which ye have prophanedamongthe heathen, and the heathen fhaU know that I am the Lord when I Jha1 be fànllilied inyou before their eyes. So Rem.z. zq . Byyou is my Name blafphemedall the day among the Gen- tiles. Thisconvincethmany,whodoenot thinke the more precife care ofduties to concerne them, but that Church-men only, or thofe who will not keepcompany but profeffe more forwardly then others, thefe onely they think tyed to ftriétnefl'e in their coude. Challenge them fora ufuall oath, they flip the collarand plead, why theyare nopreci- frans, none ofthofe forward profeffors: But when they will beare the Name ofGod, and call God Father, who is fuch a Iudge as will not let idle wordsefcape him , they profeffe enough (were it in truth) to reftraine all fuch licentioufneffe. Others'will be on the topsof their brethren if they doe offend never fo little in thofe things,which them-' felves pradife in the higheft degree:and why? they are profeffors, as ifthemfelves (were not their, vow forgotten) make not profeffion of all holineffe. This fhould flirreUs up, if wee will profeffe to beare the Name of God, andto haveGod our Father, to endeavour holineffe , otherwife we fhould difhonour that gloriousname of his which is named upon us: What thofearewhoare not under our houfhold government, mat- ters not to our difcredit; but the venuesand vices of our children are our praife, or our reproofe. The fecond thing to be marked is, that all the adopted children na- med after God,are called one entire family : whence obferve, What lirait coniuntllon all believers have, they are all one hdulhold, the houJholdofGod. But this bath beenhandled in the 19. verfe of the a. chap,er. Furtherfrom this that we are faid tobe Gods family : obferve; It u theglory,excellencyandfpeciall advancement ofCbriflians,ebat they are