e ao Ephefians, Chap. 3. V $ R, IT. his faving attributes, wee mutt dwell in houle with him, forfaking all other heufes and Kings palaces, as c3Ytopsforfoke Pharaohs Court, and Pr -t Pra-t t `°. DavidSsuls Court, andchofe rather to he a doorekeeper to the houfeof the Lord. . 3 For fuch Gods fingular providence, laving love and mercymakes fpeciall provifion ofall faving good, which he doth not for others: He feeds his Saintswith that hidden Mannah,that fecret fpiritual com- fort and peace that none others can talie of ; that Peacewhichpaffet/ underflanding : He will come in to them and fuppe with them. There are peculiar commodities ofGods houfe,onely communicable to God and his family, which partake of Gods life and Nature, which no ftrangcrs borne out ofGods houfecan enjoy, called the BreadefGod; Pí,t.gr.,y. the rftrhteoufnefe of God and of his Kingdom. Oh how great is thy goodneffewhichthou hall prepared for them that lovethee ! For aswe have an earthly bodyofan earthly natureand fubftance in common with all other creatures, fowepartake in common ofall earthly good things, needfull for our bodies with other men and creatures : But as we are by regeneration partakers of Gods nature, life, vertues,and that nature which is peculiarto the Saints, fo we enjoy peculiar light, food, ap- parel', andall things proper thereto. And as the providence, care, love, and mercyof naturali Parents is feene in minifiring and pro- viding all needfull common good for our bodies : So is Gods fpeciall fatherly care, love and mercy icen, in giving thefe fpeciall and pecu- liar good things to us his children and family : As we are fpiritually borne from heaven, and are membersofChrift, children ofGod and not of this world: So we are bleffed ofGod, the Fatherofour Lord Jefus Chrift,with all fpirituall bleffings, with all plenty and provifion for the foule and for our new nature , as we are for our bodies. Of the fignifi. Theword in the originall [,r-] fome may fay fignifiett[ father- hood,) but betide the argument which makeththat IefTh fit & the mat- ter ofmaking one Angell a fpirituall father to another, which is Con- jedurall Divinity, this word as Saint Jerome witnefleth anfwereth to mt/hphachatb, and fo was tranflated by the LXX. Numb. z. there it is not fo foundnow,but Lev 25Jo. St Baftl is read fo tohave tranflated. TheTaft thing is that he diftributeth in regardof the place all Gods houfehould into heaven and earth; which doth teach us : DA: That the Scripture knows bui twoplaces for the receipt ofall belie- The Scripture vers, either heaven orearth : So when the Apoftle will tell us, where '" all they were who were gathered under Chrift, as their head and re- pt,ces ro rc- deemer, he rangeth them in thefe orders, things in heaven andthings ccirebel,e,era, in earth, the Apoftle forgot Limbo there, and Purgatory here: As heaven and earth. the Scripturedoth know but two forts of men, fo but two places, Eph.r. :o. Heaven for the Triumphant, Earth for the Militant : and therefore here they make the time of doing good, of finding the race, &c. ThePapifts make 3. forts ofmen, Perfta, very finfull, men ofmid- 11401 So 3. places: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory for their middle fort: But though the Scripture makeofbelieving men two forts, Pcrfcá, and!