vER.16. çphefiar;!r,Chap.;. 401 and leffe perfect in regard of holineffe, yet it maketh them all to have oneand the Celle fame righteoufneffe, a like precious faith in regardof the thing which faith layeth hold of; and therefore the one nee- deth no more purgation then another, though all have not the fame degree of inherent righteoufneffe of fanétification in them- felves. VE R S. 16. That he would grant you according to the riches ofbis glory, to beflrengthened with might by his fJirit in the inner man. Now follow the Petitions,which are principally 3. The r. in this i6. verfe. The z. in the 17. verfe. The3. in the 18,19. vertes.. For this verfe we mutt confider I The requeft 2 The amplifications ofit The requeft is,that God wouldgive them to belrengthened withmight; The amplifications are 3. z The fountaineof this ftrength is fet down, according to the richesofhis glory. 2Theperfoo,who immediately worketh it inus,is fet down, that he would give you to hefirengthened by his ¿birit. 3 ThePart in which it mutt bewrought, in the innerman. Thefe are the partsof the verfe : for the opening of it, and the fum ofit. You mull know that according to the riches ofglory, doth note not conformity, as if he would fay, I with you to be ftrengthened as God is ftrong, but it hath the reafon ofa caufe, as chap. I.v. z9. Iwill you firengthenedfrom that rich glory. For riches ofglory, force confter it of mercy,in which God is chie- fly glorified : I anfwer, it feemeth not tobe herethe meaning, though that they fay is true , and their colleEtions upon it in themfelves holy. WhenSaint Paul, Col. t. It. maketh thefame Petition, he fet- teth before him not the glorious mercy of God, but the glorious ftrength of God, that yemay befirengthenedwith all might according to his glorious power. 2.The Scripture calleth the ftrength of Godelfewhere, by the name ofglory. Rons.6.4. Chrift isPaid to be raifed up Sui a'oEns 7ranós , by the glory, that is, the glorious ftrength ofthe Father; and the Pleb : as it is learnedly obferved, by the felfe fame word which fignifieth ftrength, doe fignifie glory or praife, Pfal. 8. z. gnoz: for if the Creature is the ftrengthofit, and fo the glory of God may well be laid the almighty power of God. It may be asked what this meaneth, tobe flrengthenedwith might? There is adouble might, Creating, or Created : Created might is either bodily, or fpirituall : TheApoftle therefore wifheththem from that Creating power, as a fountaine, a fpirituall ftrength Created in themfelvcs. And if you will, one may conceive this ftrength to be that VE S.16. Riches ofglo- ry what. 4