4.oz. Ephefianr,Chap.3. V ea.16. that compkat armour which in the 6. Cha.is defcribed: You have only thefe words , that yee may be flrengahened, but it is in the ori- ginall,ehatyee may beefirengthened with might,cru dt r, rey ,,m ,at. It may be asked what is meant by the inward mane anf. Firft the mindand fpirit. 2. Becaufe the Souk doth not by the natnrall life Of it fuftaine triall , therefore the Souk as living with the life, of grace, muff be confdered, the fpirit of men as living fpiiitu- ally. The fumme therefore of all, commeth to this : " That as he called them to this duty ofnot fainting, fo he was "a foirer to God for them , that he would grant from that a- "bundant rich might which he hath, that they weak and ofno " ftrenggth in themfelves, might be harneffèd with his Coat ar- "moor, might be ftrengthened with might, his Spirit, which from "himfelfe and the Sonne worketh all things, working this in us, nor by flrengthening usin body, but in our foules, fo farce forth " as they live fpiritually. D.ú. r; Then we fee this to be confidered, What is thefountaine ofall that ill A oar i- ren th wherewithwee areflrengahened, the richglorious power of God u+ll fti tngrh i> from Gods btrnfelfe : this is it that enableth us to beare of li&ions; this is it which richglorious keepeth us in the courte of our warfare, walking to falvation. 2 Tim. power. r. 7. Be Partakers oftheaffltilionsofthe Go(ßell ac-cording to the power of : p«.r.; God. Wee are kept as is a watchtower by thePowerofG,'d to falvation. So Col. r. r r. he wifheth them firengthenedwith all might, through his glorious power. Weare able to doe every thing in himfiresgrhening us : He Palm-6.... lit s the rocke : He is the ffrength of Ifrael bleffed for ever. Like as a valo- rous captaine whenhis fouldiers droope, doth with fpeechesofencou- ragement, purnew foules as it were into them, animating them to bar- tell: So our heavenly Captaine, further then he Both infpire and create ftreneth in us, we are ready to faint; therefore faith David, When PfaLr;.ot. Rom.1.6: my heartfainteth andmy fielht.a Ifo, God is theflrength of my-beart,and myportion for ever. We by *azure are ofno flrength, the Lord muff give it us: tiegivethflrpgth to his people; Yea he muff when we have it, ftirre us up to ufe rf, girding oar loynes to this batten, teaching oar fngersto warre, and our hands tofight; of elfe as good wee had it not, for we fhall have no rife ofir; As good not have a fword, as not PfaL6::rr: be able to draw it. Í have beardit twice, that power belongeth to God. Looke as it is inour life, God is a fountains of life and we live in him, he caufing this life inus: So it is in our ftrength,he from that well- head of all power in him, fendetti forth thefe drops which are in us. yN r: The which mutt teach us togrow up in the acknowledgement of wee mull se- God and ofhis mighty power : for what keepeth us, that hell pre - imodrdue vaileth not againfl us r it is the Power of the Father, who is greater ft, engh. then any, though wee difcerne it not: The Saints therefore have pilw,19.:, called cod their Shield,their tower ofdefence, their rocke,their falvati- on. Wee mull not thinke that there isno further ftrength tobefought, but