VE R. 16. Ephefiana, Chap.3. 403 but wee mutt grow fromftr;ngth to /irength, feeke that we may be fitted with ftrength for whatfoever fliall befall us. A righteous man muff be like a tree not onely growing, to beare more fruir, but hee And row o mutt alfo grow to more ftrength : As a tree at firft, is fupported initrengthin and hedged about , but afterward waxeth able to beare any wea- him. ther, the rubbing of Cattell, any hardfhip : So mutt we feeke to be ftrengthened againft all affaults and troubles whatfoever. Wherefore let us feeke ftrength at him that giveth plentifully and Yfo z. reproacheth noman ; let us now in time of Peace prepare for warre; let us grow downe in our owne ftrength and be acquainted with our owne fpirituall weakneffes, and labour to fortifie where wefeele molt danger of a breach. Doe wee not feele whenwe would be heft occupied, evil! then molt prefentc when we would doe good, ifGods inward ftrength fhould not uphold, we could not endure. Ifwe have affliétions to fuffer,we are white- livered,& the lean wordofa wenches mouth, would make us ready to deny Chritt with Peter. Andas in this regard wee have need : So how can we walke to the glory of God ifwe be not refolute and valorous c Doe fuch fouldiers credit their Captaine , which will faint - heartedly fly for any thing, and leave a man onthe plain field, rather then fuffer any encombrance f Could any mafter endure tobe fo jaded with a fervant, that would upon the leaft paine or hardfhipChow him a paire ofheeles f Wherefore feeke ftrength from God which may make us couragious in all evill, not give in though we feele difficulties, great enmities againft us. Wee fee how lewd fervants ofmen have chofen to live no longer then their matters , but haveby their owne handdyed betide them. The fubjelts of mortali men as kings will follow them, and at their plea- lure, fight in the Cannons mouth, and runne upon death valoroufly : Whata Ihame is it that we fhouldnot be refolute for our God, to en. dure thewont thatcan befall for his name The want of this is to bee rebuked, this makethfome they cannot abideto be notedas men more ftriut,call them Puritans, youdafh themout of countenance, they can- not endure anydifpleafure frommen. O Cowardife ! O naked Chri- flians, whom a little Paper fhot from a Potgunne doth difmay and caufe to fhrink from the colours oftheir God! But fome will fay, that the longer they live , and the more they o6jell. feeke ftrength, the weaker they grow in their owne feeling. But we mutt not be difmayed at this,for as the fhaking ofthe tree 'Inf. maketh afterward the tree become more firmely rooted : So in temp- Wemuff not Y P bedifmaid at tation and fuffering, the lhaking ofus Both lead us to greater efta- thefeeling of blifhment; The Godofallgrace after youhave filteredawhile,perfeéfyou; ,Per fo. confrme, ffrengthenanditablifhyou. Dof aYou fee , who it is that worketh inwe thisftrength whereby weare The fpirit of confirmed, the fpirit of God ;that you may be firengthened with might Good:rk w through his fpirit. It is thereforecalled the fpirit offortitude, thefpirit er wherewith offirength, the fpirit ofglory, that is, ofglorious ftrength, this is the wearcconfir- office of the Spirit, fent of God to this purpofe: The foule and fpirit ar;m.r.. of r Pet.4.,4. 4