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46 D.PE. Theinner manmull be $rettgthened. z Cor.4 x {. COL x. ir. yI. fal.a;.4: Epbefans, Chap. ; E >a, lb. De&: Whentvefeelc outirivesvea& wctnuft got to the glnriout ßreagthof- God. . a t Pew. f. fpirit , and he !hall doe theft and much more. 3. Mark here, What it is that muff be firengthened, even the inner man. If the foule, and the life of grace in the foule be firong, then nothing (hall be able to fubdue us. While job had his inward than ftrengthened, what evills did he equally and meekly fuftaine It is truethat Solomon faith, Prov.r 8. 14. The Spirit ofaman well beare his infirmity, bat a wounded Spirit who can &Ire± And we fee by expe- rience while our mindes are quiet and comfortable, great things cannot prevaile fo with us, as trifles when it is downe, when the ftrength of it faileth. Even as merchants while their eflate is fafe, they care not for trifling dammage : So a Chriflian while his foule and mind are untouched, he careth not much what can befall him, he is able to beare it, for his principal! is not impaired. All men naturally leekto make themfelves ftrong in the flaband outwardman, and build Babels again( God, tobe flrong in riches and in the arme of flcfh: Such Nimrods are counted the onely men of might, and of ability, fubftantiall men. But the wifdome of a Chriflian is to make his foule thong in the Lord : Let the outward man peril!), fo the inner man bereamed daily,firengthened with all might, through his glorious power,unto allpatience and longfuffering with joyfulneffe. Wherefore prize this flrengthof the inner man above all things; this is the glory of a Chriflian, to walke in the ftrengthof the Al- mighty, and tohave him a rocke of defence; the Saints have con- fefled it tohis praifc, that in him they have done valiantly, and we neg- led to fanótify the nameof God,if we grow not to likeconfeffìon with them. Againe,could we get our eyes cleered to fee him our ftrength, it would breed in us fuch courage thattiothing fhould quaile us, wee would fay with thePfalmift, Ift were inthe Shadow ofdeath, jwould feare nothing, God is with me, what canbeagainit me ! A graine of this inward fpirituall flrength is worth all natural!, bodily flrength, both in its nature,and kind,and Gods acceptation : It is immortali flrength,and groweth and encreafeth tillit bring forthjudgement into villory,asagrame of muflardfeed. It is ofan invincible nature, and can never be broken wholly, and lofe all life, but it willin theend outwraftle andbreake inpieces alloppofite flrengthand fland forever, whenall Creatures faile, and all outward ftrength falles us. 4. Here we fee, Whither wemuffgoe whenwe findeourfelves weakand void offirength , even to this fountaine, the glorious flrength ofGod. Hitherwe mull have recourfe: And there is a doublebucket with which we may draw this ftrength to worke in us; i. Poverty offpirir,Con- fcience ofour weakneffe, When tam weak (faith the Apoftle) then am i (bang; Ifwe emptyour fclves ofour felves, that ftrength of God (hall fill us and dwell in us. z. We have faith, which we muffcaft, up asthis goeth downe. We are kept by the power of God to falvation. Butone might fay ; how (hall we get this power worke in us : The Agoftle anfwereth, through Faith. Further s