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V H R. 17. Ephefians Chap.3. Further it is ro be obferved in this , that he pràyeth that thefe É. phefians , who were inftru4ted inthe Counfell of God , andbuilt in fome meafure upon the foundation, that thefe might receive a further ftrength, r. therefore hegiveth us touhderftand, Thatin tholewhoare theforwardef there are reliques ofweakneffe,want Daft. offirength whereby to'land out in timec oftryall. Wee are by naiurefach TPßren&ch nt as haveno fpirituallfirength. Whenwee come to be renewed,there is the fecwardett. with thefpirit in us which is willing, the fiefh which isweak. Nay wee RT.. 5 :46.1. may fay more, that ifwe were without finne as madam in innocency, yet wee fhould want that ftrength which fhould finable us to ftand when temptation entreth, as you tee inhim proved to you, by woe. full experience: And this the Apoftle confefiethof thefe Ephefians, for when he g begeth for ftrength in their behalfe, he doth acknow- ledge fecretly a want in them; wee are like reeds, every wind will make the gallanteft of us ftoope, if wee be left to our felves. Wherefore this mutt teach us to examine our felves, and to find rfe. out the weakneffe of our ownehearts; wee think there is no fuch matter, but who would havethought, when Peter fpake fo couragi- oufly,that there was a faintneffe at the heart of him, watching him that ill turne which followe2le Who would have thought that in Davids heart had been fuch a fpice of uncleanneffe as there was e Wherefore learne to fee thatyóuareweak, becaufe this is the wayto have the ftrengthof God dwell' with ÿòu. God curfes his endeavours ier. 17.5,6,7. that Bath all by his owne ftrength. Thineis Kingdome,power, &c. Paul rejoycedin two forts ofinfirmities; T. ofthe inner man, as tufts and 3 Core is. ro. concupifcence: thefe as finnes grieved himmuch, and fo he prayed earneftly againft them, but as by thefe Chrifts fpirit was molt feene in him, and the grace ofGodmore manifefted towards him, he joy- ed in them. 2. Inreproaches andperfecutlons ,thefe fhewed him to bee but a Creature, that had no power inhimfelfe, all his ftrength was fromChrift: So farre as by his fin and corruptionhe was driven out ofhimfelfe toChrift, he rejoyced inhiscorruptions, and of his vifions he faith,Offuch a workwrought in me,withoutme;only by the grace andpowerof God,wil I rejoyce,andofnothing inme wrought by me,and _. my wifdomeand power. The tall thing to be marked is this, That whoever is the forwardofl DJ. mullPeek firengih,wherewith he may be able togland in the evil! day. Wee mutt not, (ifweehave in fome thing got the upper hand, or put the devilltochange his weapon as unable toprevaile wherehe attempted) grow conceited and fecure, but walk humbly and givethe gloryofall ourviEtory to God. V PAL s . 17. That Chrift maydwell inyour hearts by Faith. V y x S.17. This is afecond Petition, but not principal! , it belopgeth to the former, expreffing further the manner after which the former was to be fulfilled: For havingwifhed them this benefit of flrengtheningby the Spirit, he now wifheththem Chrift in them,whomight by this Spirit of his be their ftrengthener: for we have theefficacyand benefits of N n z Chrift 407 4