4o8 A threefold pretence of Chriû. Ezech:36.27. Dog. We mnfi have communion with Christ ifwe will be 4:-engthcned byhis Spirit. Iohn 16.14. Epheftans,Chap.3. V ER, i7, Chrift by having Communion withhis Perfon. Thewords mutt each ofthem be marked. I That Chri,J:]hedoth not fay that thebenefits or efficacyofChrii}, but Chrift, meaning his Perfon. There is a threefold PrcfcnceofGodandof Chrift. OfPower. z Ofgrace. 3 Ofglory. Now this is a Prefenceofgrace,and this is twofold: I Aprefence beginning. 2 Further perfet ling andabfolving. Ioh.14.23. The latter is here fpoken of, for before we canbeginne a Com-. mandement,God muff dwell in the midit ofus, I will put mySpirit in the maddefl ofthem, and make them walk in my Commandemenrs,and d of this latter welling in them here is fpoken; For theft were as had Chrift in fome fort dwelling in them, as Chap. 2. 14. Inyour hearts:] that is,in your mindes,wills and affehtions, aschide Commander, King andruler; He dwels in our foules as our foules in our bodies, by his livelyvenue, efficacy and power, quickning,com- forting and strengthening us; poffefling our foules as his houfe and dwelling, excludingand shutting our all other inmates, that his righ- teoufneffe, merits, mediation, deathand fufferïngs may feede, fill and fatisfy all our defines, wills and affeEtions, as our onely treature. By faith:] i. e. by your faith further encreafcd, for it is with Faith andChrift, as it is with a ftrait veffell in which a thing is put greater then it can receive : So that the further the veffell is enlarged, the further the thing putin is apprehended:So of Faith themore and more it is augmented , Chrift is the more and more entertained into the foul of the bcleever. So that it is as ifthe Apoffle should fay; " As I have wished you ftrengtheningofthe Spirit: So I will) you " for this purpofe that you may have Chrift himfelfe, on whom " thisSpirit offtrength refteth, that you may have him fo mere as " to dwell with you, not fo farre onely as to conceive the dedlrine " ofhim in your braines, or be able tedifcoarfe of him, but that he " may dwell in your hearts and affeélions, and that by themeans of "a true faith, which is the only inftrument ofour Union and Corn- "munion with him. I. Thenwe fee,tbat ifwe will have thespiritofChri/1 workought in us, we muffget Conjanclionwith the'errors ofChrifd himfelfe. For the Spirit when it doth ftrengthenus, dothbut take ofChrifts, and therewith con- firme us; So that wemull lóok to Christ as who principally and from whom the Spirit dothconfirm us. Phil. 4.53. I candoe all thingsthrough Chroflfirengthening me. I Tim. I., z.Ithank Chrifl lefro whobathenabled me. Whichplaces confidered wil giveus fome light how toconceive of the fequell of there Petitions. This order the Holy Ghoft teacheth, that we mull first have Christ before weecan have benefit by him. Iloh.y. Ir. codbathgiven to us eternal! life, and this life is inhis Son. He