V g R. 17. Ephefiems, Chap.;. 409 He that hath theSonbath life. John 6. 34. He that eateth myy?efhfhai livebyme: d c,r as we cannot have the ftrength of bread, unleflè wee ear the fulttancc of it : So we cannot have the ftrength ofChrift, un- leffe we layholdof his perfon fromwhom it floweth. Which is tobe markedagaintt fuch as have taught that wee have yr r; no communion with Chrilthimfelfè in the fimple word by faith,but We have a onely with hisbenefits and cffecruall working in us : contrary to the communion h exprefle word ofGod, which telsus,that Chrift Jefus the Sonof God the venueof dwelsin our hearts and foules : z Cor.i3.5. Know ye not that Chrifl is chriff,but in you except yet be reprobates ? Gal. z. zo. niece, yet not I, but Chri/i with hispa- livethinme. John 6 He that eateth myflefh anddrinketb my blood, dwel- leth in me andI in him. Itfhould flirteus up to feeke Chrift hina lell, and to make lure Pl a. of 16in, feeing without wee have him in us weé can have no benefit by him.Now hecomes to us in the preachingofthe Gofpel, and offers himfelfe to us. Behold, I Rand at the doore and knock, if any man will o. Revd ; ry pen to me, I willcome andfappe with him. Now if wee open the doore of our hearts to him, todelire, love and imbrace him above all, as he offers bimfelfe to us , then will he make entrance into our foules and bodies, as into his Temple, where bee will dwell for e- ver. The fecond thing to be marked is,that he wifheth Chrift may dwell D°R; in them, giving us to confider What(trait ConiunHion and neerefa- isa Hoer , roniunßion, There minority there groweth twixt atilt and the beleevingSaule. Job. 15. S. between cehúR' I am the vine , ye are the branches; He that abideth in me , and I in and the behc- him, bringeth forth much fruit. Joh. 6.56. He that eateth my Alb and vssgfouie. drinketh my blood , dvelleth inmeand1 in him. Hence are thofe fweet relations of Head and members, Husband and fpoufe, Kingand.fub- )efts, &c. All which doe give us to confider of this point; How neere a Communion the beleeving Souk hath with Chrift Jefus. But for the betterunderfianding of ir, youmnft know, that this dwel- Itinclueltrh; ling in us doth infold thefe three things. things. a. A prefence,for Chrift not onelyas God is with us to the endof the world, but as man , though he is locally con- tained in the Heavens, yet he is Ipiritually prefent to our fpirits beleeving. a. It noteth the efficacy of Chrift in us, viz. how that Chrift dothput forth the efficacyof his Spirit in us, fo that not we live, but Chrift in us. Gal.z.zo. 3. Itfignifyeth the conftancy of this effeftuall prefence, for dwelling is not to tajee a nights lodging here or there, but to make aboade: So true it is that where Chrift once I0hn x311 latieth, he leveth to the end : and where he commeth, he makes his aboad for ever. Which doth teachus firft a difference betwixt the Hypocriteand y¡ a. the true belcever, they may have a tafte, a licke and awayof Chrift. Heb.6. 1. but they cannot come to this, to have Chrift dwell in Nn3 them: 4