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410 Yfe a, r'ñ 3: Cor.:3. ç. Data. I hofc chat truly receive Cbrdt,rcceve him withthc heart. Phil:3.3. Gal.b 14. I Per. r.7. Iohrt r6.í7. Cant.r. Luke7.38. Iehn 3,r6: Phi1.3.g; Ephefou,Cbap+ them : As a Paficnger he may knock going by the doores of their hearts,but he doth not enter, to make their heartshis habitation. Irdothmake for our comfort, that Chrift is.with us: What a com- fort is it to theficke perfon to thinke the Phyfitian dwelleth withhim e tous weak to thinke, the Lord of hofts, mighty in battell, dwelleth with use Chrift by this argument dothcomfort his difciples,teh. r4. is. I willnot leaveyou orphans. Wet mutt examine our likes whether ChrifldwelIinus,elfewee are Counterfeits. How may we know it Anfw. Joh. IS. ç. If I abide in youandyouin me ,you 'hall bringforthmach fruit. Rom. 8. Io. If Chrift be in you, the ffirstislife for righteoufneffe: So that if we have the fruits of the Spit it, faith, patience , love , heavenly mindedneffe , then wee arePure he liveth in us,if we have the flamingout,or the !Moakofthem, earneft and confiant groaning after them : but when pride , Envy Covctoufnefs ,uncleannefie,unfruirfulneffe dwell with us,what fhai we think.' What communionhath Chrift with Beliallf wecannot comfort our hearts,things being thus with ns. Dwellin your hearts.] Obi. Thatthe true receivers ofCbrllí, muff re. ceive himwith their heartsand afellions : the mouth and ftomach can- not take him , but the mind and affeEìions, thefe can entertaine and containe our Saviour , for though all of us , is a temple for him, yet the heart is the quire where he properly fitteth: When faith (as it fol- loweth) wotketh our Communion, we cannot thinke but that needs it muff be the heart wherehe is received: For Faith is in the heart, ifwee L'elseve with theheart torigbteoufne/e, Rom.r o. Againe the believing have notonely had knowledgeand affiance, but have had all their af- f:.éttons beflirting them felves about Chrift. I. Joy. We arethe Circumfion that rejoycein Chrift Iefus. Godforbid I fhorld rejoyce in any thing,bat Chrijicrucified. onwhombekeving, yec re- joyce with joy unfpeakable andglorious. 2. Love : You have lovedme andbelievedon me : And the Church (peaking ofChrift,calleth him the Partywhom her foule loveth. 3. Criefe, that our fins have caufed his bloodfhed. 2. They fhaa looke upon himwhom they bavepierced,jr 'hall moarneover him,&c. Thefinfull woman now beleevingand loving, wafted his feet with ber stares, andwiped themwith her haire. 4. Admiration and wondring, r Ieh.3.r. See what love is fhowne us that we fkouldbe theSonnes ofÇiod. So Godlaved the world that he gave hisonly begotten Sonne,&c. . High eftimationof Chrift and his grace. cswateh, 23. 44. The Kingdom ofheaven it like to a treafarehid ina field, the which when a manhatbfound,he bideth, andforjot thereof, goetb and fedeth all that he bath. Iemit allthingsbut dungfor theexcellent knowledge of Chrifl tens my Lord. Wherefore if wee will give true infertainment to Chrift, wee muff awakeour hearts, ftirre up all our affeétions. And it íheweth that in molt mens hearts Chrift dwelleth not, becaufe their affections were never