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411 vf. :. Aâs as.9. Vfe3. Luke x7. q. Yfe 4. Thet'opifl h not the true faith. Ephefans, Çhap. 3. V R R. Iî. This may beatohchftoneof truebeliefero confider that it is tech asbringeth .Chrift into the heart; for though faith be commonly pro- felfed, yet how rare is that beleeverof whom it may be Paid, not he now, but Chrift liveth in him , whofe heart is purified by be- And this altoto confiderthat he here,& above fpeaketh 'offaith, viz. that we are raved byit, that we have entrance with boldneffe by it, that Chrifï dwefeth inour heartsby it, this fhould make us fee wsat a jewcll faith is, and feeke it, crying with the Apoffles, Lordincreafe our faith. Laftly, this doth improve the Papifts faith, that it is not a true faith: for theScripture here teacheth that the beliefof all that are not Counterfeits is fuchas bringeth Chrift to dwell in the the heart. Ns w the Popifh faith maketh no application of Chrift : Nay they count that thebringing and reachingof him inparticular to us, anotable pre. fumption. a. They fay that faith,though it be the firft vertue begotten, -yet it isnot the root which importeth fappe and livelihood to other graces; but this they afcribe to love : But that which reacheth Chrift to live in us, that caufeth all the Chriftian converfation : For ofa`1 of it this may be laid, not we live, but Chri(I in us: and love it felfe is let on work by faith; for whydoe we love, butbccaufe he path lovedus ? Now what Both fiat lay hold ofGods in Chrift, but this vertue of faith c And therefore 1 Tim. j. S. The end ofthe Law is love to God and man: but whence mutt this proceed e from this as a roote , a Faith un- feigned. V a R S. r8. Thatyet being rootedand grounded in love, may be able toxpmprehend with all Saints,wbat is thebreadth,and leeegth,anddeptb,and 41 ght. Hereis expreffedthe a't. principall petition: The fummeof which is, that they iatight havea fight ofthe love,cf Chrift,that fo they might fharein the afliûionsof the Gofpell ofChrift withoutfainting. For the order; e. He fetteth dowse the meane ofattaining the thing requefted. 2. The requeft itfelfe. Themeane, that being rooted andgrounded in love: The requeft it felfe, which is for the knowledgeof Chrifì. 1. As,it is getting. z. As it is now gotten : for though fore make it the propoundingofoneand thefame thing, r.möreobfcurely,z. sore plainly; yet I think there is foredifference. The knowledge as inget- ting is the apprehendingofthe height,length, &c. as gotten, is the ha- ving in us the knowledgeof Chrift his love whichpaffeth knowledge. For the opening of thewords: r . It maybe askedwhat this love is r For.anfwer: Gods love in Chrift , Chrifts love ; the context doth caft us on thisfenfe: 2. Our love is a branch, not a root : It isthe love of Chrift in which wee take firme rooting cniy that nothingcan (hake us. Again, if he Ihould fpeakeofour love, the Greek phrafe fhould be put as abfolute, which is more harfh andhath leffe authority both an- cient