VER ig. epheians, Chap.;. 41; cent and moderne then the inverfionwhich we follow harp. So that all the Papiftsdifcourfe, efpecially'the fchoolmenthat hence make our love theroot, wholework communicatedis the fouleand life of every othergrace, it is treatife betide the dore. a. It may be asked, what thisis, to be rooted in love. This may have a double fenfewhich here may Rand : in love : that is, about Chrifts love, or by meaneof Chrifts love: It may import the caufe ofour roo- ting, orthe fubjedb and about which we take rooting. But to fay rootedandgrounded, that is ftrengthened and confirmed by meane of love fliedabroad in your hearts : or rooted and grounded,that is, more fully perfwaded ofChrifts love, byexperienceofhim dwelling inyou and ftrengthening you,it will comemuchto one matter. It may be asked,what thisis to comprehend. By diligent confideration to take a view, of the largeneffeof Chrift his love: for Phil. 3. r r., to comprehend is there joyned with following hard, and the greek interpreters doe make this word anfwer our over- taking one aftertravaile.. The4th thing is: How the Apoftie can with that we fhould compre- hend and know that whichfurpafl'ethknowledge. It is to be underftood of that meafure to which the Spirit of God dothherebring us : and thefe . Rand well together in force fort , to comprehend that which cannot be pettedly knownofus. Armin, to underftand thefewords,we muff knowhow it fares with Chriftian fouls in their proceeding. r. They caftethe love ofGod which draweththem to him. 2. Through weakneffe they grow to flagger and to be offand on in the perfwafion of his love, when exercifes over- take them. 3. Inthis weak eftate,theyare likechildrenthat liveby fenfe and cannot fee through thefe clouds,andifthey fet themfelves to mule on fuch thingsas might help them, they are not able to continue fuch thoughts,nay not toenter them to purpofe,being much carnali and un- confirmed. Now the Apoftie prayeth that thefe Ephefians which had tatted the love of God (thattheymight partake in afiâions more comfortably) might be more fully perfwaded and better groun- ded inChrifts love, againft their owneweakneffe by meane of Chrift in them, that thusftrengthened, they with all other beleevers might be able tocart all matters in their mind, and by diligent confideration to take a view ofthe large meafureof Chrift hislove, and thus come toknow that in force part which cannot pettedly bee known of Qwefl .l. Ahfw. TheReps by wbkhwepro- ceed ro beroo- ted in the love ofChrill:. us. t. Then wee fee here, What is a thing able to imbolden us againfí all "I* The of perfecutions,thefeeling ofCbrifl his love wherewithhe kath lovedus. Wee thrifts love rejoyce inoffliflions,becaufe experience ofthe love ofCod is /bed into: our dochimbolden hearts. And Rom.8.33,34,3 5. The Apoftle doth fpread aflagge ofde- Per'rg'úpónoU fyancetoall enimies, being perfwaded, rooted and groundedin this Korn. 5.5. love of Godin Chrift Jefus: Whotuait[epurateus from the loveof God Rorn.a.;a,34, in ;q