V13 R. 1,rì. Ephefrani, Chap. ;. 41; So arewe unable to meafure it but as wee ferle, unable to confider of thofethingsin whichthis love is manifefled. This therefore dothcheck that weakneffe in fome, who think there vie. is no filch fight of Gods love to be irecovered by them as fometime ?kewh°ed ;k they have tailed, theyhave had fuch arelifhofGods love in their firft that theycan profcflions, asthat they loòkenot to fee the like againe. Whereas is is have that love quite contrary, God doth love little and long,that is, hedoth thew lit- u ey tailed in de often, hut dothcontinue it with increafe: Why fhould wee thinke firQcon- God loth loveus leffe being old friends, then he did when we were (ion new ? Nay he that bath(hall have mere, as Chrift faith to Nathaniel!. Ioh.1.5 o, Deft thou believe, becaufe I Paid 1faw thee under thefigge tree? thouAtilt fiegreater things then rhefe: thebeft is (till to come ; ifwe keep not on thebed ofour tufts , and byHeight and lazy feekingcome íhort ofit. in the fruits We muff mark thereby experiments g ow more &more rooted,more confident Byrmng & effec4s ofit;and g experiments and bold in the aflàrance ofit, and acknowledge it to his praife, and trite build our fr Ivesupon it, as David againfl Goliah, by formerexperience, henfi°nóé by all the gifts, blrflings, graces and good things, God gives us, wee cads love. muffmake a greater game then themfclves are, viz. the love of God that gives them, to grow in afrurance and further apprehenfion ofit, andnot like beats (wallow down fuch favours andblefngs and ne- ver apprehend the love of the giver. But let us make every bleffing and benefit a ftep and ítayre tomile us up tothe apprehenfionofthe love of Chrift,that Sea of love whence there ftreames iffue; Collc& and ga- therand conclude by all Gods bleflings howgreat Gods love is, efpe- cially in givingus his Son Chrift, and his Gofpell. V Ex S. 19. t4ndto know the love ofthrift whichpa(feth knowledge, Va It 0.19. that ye may befilled withal!fulneffeofGod. Laftly, it is to be marked that he thin (etteth out the loveofebrift, ,es Doff. a thing incomprehenfibleinregard ofthe full andperfell knowledge ofit : chriQslove i. And becaufe it is a thing that the Church muff aiwayesremember , 1 prehen- We will remember thy love: the fpurre ofall Chriftian duty, a Car .5. 34. Ca ntió4 the Prefident of alltrue love,Love one another as I have lovedyou:there- fore we will a little unfold it. As thePerron ofChrift bath in it two natures, divine andhumane : So there is a double love of Chrift, the oneas God, the fame where- with hisFather lovethus; the otheras Man: Bothof them have three feverall branches tobe unfolded: r. Hisgood will asGod, and affeáion or grace of love , as ohriis confide- Man. l red in ie a. His workes , becaufe true love ítandeth not inword and the works°fit tongue, but truth and deed. and his melting 3. The imbrace and refting wherewith he doth imbraceus in us. and reft in us, whichisthe nature of love in the thing belo- ved. Not to fpeake ofhis love or good willas God ; we muff know that this ,