416 EphefilXs,CIape3. VtR.191 hisaffe&ion as man is, forthequantity ofit unmeafutable, he asa full receiver, did receive all Love in the perfeétionofit. For the quality of o ers.5e it, it isfree, not for hisadvantage; when he wns rich be became poore Nor for ourdefervings didhe love us, for be lovedusfill, even when we wereenemies. a. Hislove was fruitful! and true, as fhall bedecla- redafter. 3. It was conffant tothe end, loh. t 3. r. For theeffects which the Scripturecalleth love, as comming from love, we may confiderthem, r. In that evil! he fuffered for us. x. In that great good he worketh in us: aleabhorred not theVirgins Wombebutemptied himfelfe and be- came man. z. He took the infirmities of our linfa!! nature, finneexcepted; be wire like tafinfud flef,; Rom. 1.3. 3. He laiddownhis life for us: In this we know the loveofgod, that helaidhis lifedownfor we; So that as he pleadeth,bee in love did let his headhe wet withdew, andhis lockswith the drops ofthenight, that is, no- thingwas fodifficult, but he did willingly undergoe it for our fake. a. The good which he hath done for us , cannot be uttered as who bath freed us from finne and death, fet us in a glorious &late before God: Hebath lovedus, andwaJhedus from ourftnnes in his blood; andmade toKings and Priefisto God. He hathfee us in heavenly places. 3. As lovers thew love, in that their hearts cleave,and they mutually I imbraceone another: So doth Chrift,he doth dwellin usby his Spirit, cone.1.2. familiarly apply himfelfe to ourfpirits,Hedoth kiffe us with ktffesofhis' C>titl.l4. mouth. His left handis under myhead,andhisright handBoth imhraceme;1 which doth thadow nothing but this, how he doth apply himfelfe to us byhis Spirit making love, even as outward love is teftifyed byfuch lignifications; and when we cometo be where he is, he titan ref¡Ice in Eray.6s, r. orw as abridegroome dotb inhisbride: This is his love which is his ban - ner over us,which banner is fpread, when out of the word it is unfol- ded to you : Happyare thofe that gather themfelves to it, that fay in their beasts, O how bath our Saviour Chrift loved us !,. This is the Corps, ifwee beyoung eagles,the right difciples ofChrift, wee will fly hither. It is the fpurreofall love toChrift. We love him, becaufe hebath lovedasAft. Howcan we fufficiently frgnifie our love tohim that hath thus loved as e. It is the exampleofthat love wherewith we muff love' ourbrethren: for quantity without meafure; for quality,freely,fruirful- ly, conftantly; Not,loveme,and I willlove thee,not with Court holy- water, as we fay,not off andon according as love now a dayes goeth. That yemay befilledwith allfudneffe ofGod.] This is the third petition whichhe beggeth for thofeEphefians, that they might not faint at his afllidions. r. We mull confiderof themeaning. a. How he can with this to the Ephefians whichfeemeth to trutbeh. the Priviledge of Chrift; loh. a . 14. fullofgrace and RevF.xtS.: EpicP3.6. ; . How