V B R. f9. Ephefanr,Chap. .. 3. How he can pray that they fhould be filled email fulnetle, this being impo(ïible while they were at home in the firth in theremortal! bodies. For the r, thefalneffe ofGod noteth the gracesof the fp-rits flowing into us from Chria,andall the fulne&noreth the perfedionofdegree which is then attained when God is all in all. For tt e s. we matknow there is a double fulnefi'e ; One vn vcrfall, which agreeth to the Head, as who receiveth in Diverskind, common for all : of róe fulne$2 Anotherin part,ofevery member from Chrift: Saint lobo fpcaketh °fcoa. of the firft :this text ofthe latter, which is two fold : Ogle attained in this life, which is that fitting.us for our calling, that which God hath prefixed tous,that which fitteth us for fome parricu. 1.n- thing ro be doneor fuffered. Lake 1.41. Elizabeth fall of the Holy Ghofl. Ads 7. 5 5. Stephen fall of the Holy Choft. Or, that fulnefe which we (hall have, when Godisallinau. Now here the Apóftlecloth pray for btrth,thatthey mightfo be filled furtherand further here,as to come to all fulne(fe. For the3. How hecan pray for this, it being itnpol1bier Things are impoffiblefiwply,orfor it time: Now for thelatter wee are topray, provided that we leek not to doe them before his feafon. Thefumine then is: "Aslhavewifhedyou the ftrenathofthe Spirit, "and the lively fight of Chrift his love;fol do,to (land inparticulars, with that you,who though you have received graceinpart, yetare " in part cmpry,may be further and further filled withthe gracesof ei Gods fpirit, till you come to all the fulnefle thereof. r. Thenweefee what Beth make amanflandfare in all evils, to bewe! D.A. growre in thegrace ofGod. Stephen was-full of the HolyGhoft, and he a obe wet did not oncly gl oriouflyendure, batprayedfor'thofe that were his pe- dotal maim us ingrates tutors. a Pet. 1. 5.1o. Ifone jointgrace to grace, to faith vertae,an to nand (4h u vertese knowledge. &e. heAdnotfall,nothtng(hall be ablemuch tohurt `v'its. him,nor move him from that (tate wherein he ftandeth. For as the bo- "s$ 7. dy now grown up , it can eafilybeareout that, whichwhen ftrength wasmore tender, would havebroiled it: So the foule when it isgrown up and filledwith thegr:ce ofGod. Be ftrong in the grace that is in Chrifi ïefas; q. d. Timothy, I know thou haft grace in thee, but now z Tim.z.s. that thouart to preach the Gofpc], to fight the goodfightoffaith,now ftirre up that (trength thou haft, grow moreand moreconfirmed and rooted in that grace. Wherefore wee mull get our felves fraught with the grace rf, of God , Grow in graceand in the knowledgeeon, LordandSaviour z ret.i.r?. lefus Chrifi. 1. And for this purpofelabour for a more neere and (enfible Union with the Lord Jefus Chrilt;for being inChrift we receivean influence ofa11 kind ofgraces and benefits,that welack nothing. He is ¡aid to have afccndedabovealltheftaeflnbleheaven t,thatbemightfllall,viz.with E he!q.:.. his gifts ofgrace. Fill your felves with Chrift, and therewill not bee 0 o room 9.1 7