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418 Ephefians Chap. ;. VsR.10. roome for ought elfe,were a veffell full oft ny liquor, itwould receive no more,ifa womans heart be full ofher husband,(he bath no room for ocher lovers : So (hail it bewithyou, ifyou fee by Faith that. your c- (ìate is full in Chrift,lackingnothing,what wil youcare to lookfurther 2 . Exercife and faithfully imploy thegraces you have already re- ceived; for the exercife of ;race will encreafe and flrengthen grace ; ,. Tim. 1.6 S'irreup thegift that is in three. Wee mull not thinke to put all upon God; It ishe that kindieth the affeâions, but when the fire iskindled, you may adde fuell to it : It is he that layes firft the corner floue, and then you mutt edify your felves.This ftirringupandufing the flrength wee have, is a matter ofgreat moment, becaufe otherwife all graces are as dead habits in the foule s There are forne things in the word are all forufe,fo all the workofgraceis for ufe,and therefore doe i)ot one- Ì ly bufy your Eves in gatheringofflrength,butalfo confider,how ¡hall ¡' 1. fpend my flrength, how fhall I imploy it e Doe you feeleyour felves weake and impotent to the duties ofhó- lineffe, and doeyou defiretoattainemore agility and readineffeto doe Tim,4.7. things; why then exercifeyour felves ingodlineffe,ufemakes perfeot,fo it Both in the foule, when itoften imployes it felfe in fuch an action,it gets readineffe and dexterityto it, to doeit withall readineffc a6d ala- crity. 3. Take away theimpedimehtsthat hinder you,as a rim.z.z I. Ifany manpurge hinifelfe, hefhallbea vefell unto honour,fantlifiedand prepared t woo every good : there is a certaine ruft in us that cleaves to the wheel es ofour foules, thatthey doe not doe duties nimbly ; this mutt be taken off. q. T here isawork of rl a HolyGhofl it is he that muff flirre us up to put forthour flrength: For asyou fee in trees, there may be fappe twi,,Ilik ri- enough in thetree et tillthe fpring time come,that fa a is not drawn : Qík Y P b PP w5thoµttin up into the branches, and fo they renaaine withered until( that time : quîcknmeof So . a man may have much habitual( grace in his heart; but now what Ileh°4Gh°h isit that bringethit to the birth e. There muff be a certaine action of the Spirit afïifting us, and therefore wemuff fcck to the Spirit of God for affiftance. 5. Laftly,.there be certaine duties that doe likewife help us, viz. Communion -with the Saints, and prayer, thefe whet us and warme unto duties. The fecund thing tobe confìderedis included, for whenhewifheth that thefe Epheuians might befilledwith a!1fulneffeofGod; he dothgive lus to unfterffand, What is. Slit efface by nature, and what thebell of to are intpgrt,weeattemptyof'Go.f. Job.r r . sr. He knowethvaineman; the word is hollow or Empty, God ts not in allhis thoughts :Thus are weRewire in Ely ruttywe 4eem tyof per: for thoughwe are filled in part,yetwearenotfully: Wehave but nod. ehefrr/lfruiesoftheSpirit : weehavenetyet comprehended: And ifit were rtiam.s.//. not thus , whence cornmeth the hungringand thirfting in theSaintse u';'';' when the ftonaachbath due repletion, the cravingof it ceafeib: So if our hearts werefullyreplenifhed,the hunger of than thould not be p continued. Where