V it it. 20, 2I. Epheflanr, Chap. ;. 419 Wherefore let us hence learne to take noticeofour emptineffe ; as whenwe heare of clothing, to rememberour nakedneffe, whenoffet- ting free, our bondage So when we heareofbeing filled, we muft recount our emptineffe, we are every where empty. What doth our goingall the day, ourhearts not once raifed up, liignifie ; but that we ateemptyofGode What doth our talking idlely, our thoughts foolifh and unfruitfull argue, but that we are emptye Evenas irregular winds in the body,are afgneof Tome extraordinary Evacuation. What doth our hearingofGods name difhonoured,our neighbour aftlif ed, with- out griefe, doth it not tell us that we are empty oflove to God and Mane thefe rings cry aloud, we are empty veffels. If we fee it, and growhungry, then weare bleffed.Lake r .47.Godfhallfatisfy uo,and fill uswith good things. 3 . We Atha as. in part we areempty,fo we mußfurtherandfurther reek to be filledw'lth Ged. Ephef. 5.18. Befilled withthe Spirit.2 Pet. r.6. loin with Faith vertue, &c. So the Saints, they fee that all the heart, all the ftrength, is not fit upon God, it grieveth them,and it is their delire to fee it in Godsfeafon. Weare not perfeét, but we mull ftrive to per- feétion, from degree to degree; As it iswith alongnecked glaffe, cart it into the Sea, it will little after little come to be filled full: fo mutt we come to all that fulneffe ofgrace, receiving drop after drop. Now therefore many are reproved who never looke this way, they will fill theirbellies with drinke, in which there is excefle: they willfill their Coffers with riches, but to fill their foules with faith, hope, love,temperance,patience, righteoufnefle, holineffe theyhave no delire. Nay, many have eyes fullofadultery; tonguesfull, butofdeadly poyfon; monthes fug ofbitterneffe andcurling ; hearts full, but with pride and covetoufneffe and of all ungodlineffe. It asuft againeadmonifh us what we muff leek , even to bee filled with grace; Let him that is righteous get morefrill, let him that is holy, be more holyRill: PerfeUUingholineffe, in thefeareofGod. V E R S. 20. Now unto him that u ableto doe exceeding abundantly, a. hove all that we can aske or think, according to the powerthat worketh inus, z r. Vuto himbe glory in the Church, by Chrifi lefoes, throughout ad ages Worldwithout end. Amen. Now followeththe Conclufion in praife and thankfgiving: s. ThePerfon praifed is fet downe. 2. ThePerfons praifing. 3. TheMediatour. 4. The durance. ThePerron praifed,is dcfcribed, a. From his working, above our thoughts. z. Fromthe venuethrough whichhe thus worketh , accor- ding to his power whichworketh in us: Both of them are fitly appre- hended in God, both toftrengthenfurther the Apoftle requefting that heMould furely receive: as likewifethe Perlonsfor whom hee did in- treate, feeing that in them that power was already put forth which could work thus abundantly. 0 2 In Rfatch.S. t: Doíá. We mutt Peek co bee filled with thefumes of of God. rte. 12 n Per.s. 14. Rorn.3. x;. Rowe3. x4. l'fi' 2. Revel. sn. =1: s Cor. 7. [. VER* 20,91.