VER. 2o. 8phefian.r,Chap.3, mighty to bringus through all difireffes: though the devil', ae:i the world be mighty, yet God is Almighty. Thewant of this confiders. tion makes Gods children to faint when they fee the power of the flefh and Satatíto ftand againft them , they think then they !hall fall and come tonothing; but be they Gods children then reft affured = though we feeall things turned upfidedown; and one miferyfollow upon the headof another, like the wavesofthe Sea , yet let us truft to this in. comprehenfible power of God, and we fhall fee all things confpire Rams. it. andworke for the bell. 2. It is tobe marked hence, That in our thoughts and prayers there rs imperfeElion, they come fhort of that God doth for W. For our pray - ers,look at them in whileof temptation, they are not oncly defcs.hve, but the flefh doth fometimes creep intothem. But when no inordina- cy doth clofe with us, yet they come fore fhort of that our Father worketh. Compare Gen. 28.20. with Gen.32. 10. Pftl.3r. 3.4.9. So our thoughts often in temptation , Oh how farce wide of that God thinkethI David after fo many experiences, thought Saul would kill him at length. I!hall one dayperi j]i by the handofSaul. Efay40.27. why sum. :7. t. Melt thou, o Jacob, my way is hidde fromthe Lord;andmy judgement is puffedover frommy God? Haft thannot knowne? Haft thou not heard that the everlafling God the Lord, faintethnot? Efay49. 54. Zion bath faìd, The Lord bath forfaken me, and my Lord bath forgotten me. So the Church complaineth, Lam.3. 18. My firength and my hope is permed from the Lord; but howfoever that is true ofthem, Efay. 55. 7. c- y thoughts are not as your thoughts ,but look bow much the heavens are higher then theearth,fo much are my thoughts above your thoughts. For the Spi- rit doth teach us as toaskewithconfcience ofour unworthincs, fo that we cannot aske modeffly fo much as God cangive of bounty, And our thoughts are too fhort a meafure for Gods working, which is incomprehenfible. so then we mull not build upon out felves,butgoe out of our felves, Yfe. and leane upon Gods mercy and power, yea wee muff be confident; for if Godworking for us, doth exceed our asking , we mull then ra- ther afireour felves that we thall have more then we aske or thinke: Amancannot havetoo much faith in prayer. According to thepower which workethinus.]Whencewe are toobVerv, DoPI That even with us, and in nu, there is that ftrength whichcan accomplifh Thee is;n u, our hearts defre : for there is no leffe power working in us then the woo ernggvhich power of God, whichcan fubdue all things to it felfe ; this Both bring can aceom us to beliefe;called therefore the exceedinggreatnefibofhis power to us.. phth our ward,who believe according to theworking ofhismightypower. This'doth &phef det're* keep us to falvation, we are kept by the powero fGodshrough faith tofilva- tion. This Bothenableus to thinke, 1peake, will i worke according to `. pet-t. s. God. We beare affliltions according to this; Be thoupartaker of theaf- a pet. r. 8. icáiens ofthe Goffrell, according to the power ofgod. So that hencewe may fee how far we are wide, that When we feele our weakneffes,doethink,alas,there is no.ftrength with us,for whenwe 0 o 3 are Doe. Our thoughts and prayers come thou of that Gcd dotti for ars. Pier.