422, Epbtflanr,Chap. ;. VER. 21, greater in ahc world. rnus ttwould with good hopes had ex- perience f ha (} geh' him did of his hence May hope help nenceofGods power in him the fhis l graces are at the weakcfl,there is a with rs list)there( 2. Ifwe could feeby theeyes of faith this Almighty pcwcrof Cod working ,` us to cutgrow all evil's: for what,may not hethink to outgrow the Hone, who bath o t t ren in i which break the flone not e tohave l in poverty that bath found .good cxpe- to enriching o i poem ou e with the ofhis S irite VERS. Sr. V E R S. 21. Yrta hint bee glory in the Church , dy Chrifi /efua, tlireug haws dYages, world tvitheut end. Amen. Now followetta the Concluficn, in which mull be marked, a. The Perlons praifing. z. The Mediatour in whom. 3. The durance. D. The 1.1e.ttethus fee, who they are with ohm early Ced is trulypeal- Mt godly to °" fed, thefethat are true rrrm&rs of kùChurch. For though that all things praire God. doe after at fort praifc God, even the wie Led pt lively, in as much as theyyield matterof his ¡wife, yet the faithful ores, levered Item the world, are thofe who doe inwardly and outwardly , ILblieltelyred privately offer acceptable praile tohim. 2keafou a. For God as hegiveth his bleffings to none but ¡Lole in whcm bee bath theendofthem; fo he bathhis enel cf Fade and thankfgivingin. none but thofe who have thefe fpirituall blei3 ngs applycd to them; thofe that are cffeduallycalled his Church. r°h" :4. 17 2. Again,the worldcannot receive thefiris of pralle, the Church oncly receiveth him andknoweth him , becaufe bee doth dwell with them. Pala,o.3. 3. Thepraifing ofGcd with fettle and voyce, as all ether, truly be free and cheat-efull: But the Church is the ore(, ingerueuefree- hearted people. And for there caufes David calleth upon the righteous, on I them thatfeare Gad, an the houfeof Ifrael to laudthe Lord. We fee that there is a great dealeoflippraife in the world , many that ase notcalled effedually to Gcd, will fayofforce things, they are goodly giftsof Cod, Godbe thanked; hut till they cc ¡De not oncly to be in the Church, butof it, though they fhould fay the Pfalur over,it is abomination to God, no true praifing of him. We therefore that arecalled, let us lludy to p raife Cod, in heart, wordanddeed, teeingwe are thole oncly who can duely, andaccepta. bly glorifyhim. Now in pray fingofGod truly, z. Know our ownunwerthioeffe, or leffe then the leafs ofkeener- cite. Gen. 32. zo. a. Highly electricand prize his bleffings; it is but n eerely for manners fake, when we thankea man for that we carenot for. ;.Labourto have the fink of Gods love and mercy flied into ourhearts, thisis the heart of all, and the kernel , without this we have but the (hell. By. Pratt; sag. vez.