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V E. R. x, Bphefians , Chap.;. 423 By Chr:(l Ce ftes.]Ohferve,lnwhomwe mull offer upour thankfgiving, Doti. viz.inarai Chrift Cefree. Giving thanks alwaies for all thingsunto God, I.t'e, mat T 1 praifeGodiq in the ítiameofour Lord fefirs Chri. Chrift. Cfltift is the fountatne , whence all fpirituall bleffings flow to us. Cphef.s; p.o, 2Z,6:IAN I. a. Char. t. 3. He is the fountainsofall that ability which cloth enableus topray. Allour entrance tothe Father is through him. All ouracceptance with the Father is by meanofhim ; and there- fore is people in time ofthe law did bring their 1 crifices to Aaron their Prieft : fo muff wee bring our fpirituall facrifices to our High Prieeft Chrift Jefus,who is entred into theHolyofHolies, that we may find them made acceptable in him. 3. Thedurance, throughout all ages worldwithout end: ThisTail- circumftance oftime as it Bothteachaas, The large hearts we Thou&have towards Gods glory; fo it dothaffure us, that godwill in all ages have a people whichAnil praifi him: Hell gates. i. all the powers of darkneffe, J1,41 mot Moen his Church. Which iscomfortable in regard that it doth afTure us, that though hell thonld breake look, yec Godwill (lilt have his people; for the wordsare asmuch affirmative as optative, they doe tell us as well what [hall be,as with that it fhould be. 3. 4- T E